Substitute Vehicle Permit Application

  • 0 of 7 max characters

  • Substitute Vehicle Permit Types

    Alternate Vehicle Permit
    When repairs or life's unexpected events require University permit holders to drive to campus using a vehicle other than those associated with their parking permits, a Substitute Vehicle Permit must be used.  A maximum of twenty-one (21) days of Alternate Vehicle Permit use will be provided to any one University permit holder at no charge each year (September – August).  The Alternate Vehicle Permit type extends the holders current parking permit-type privileges to the substitute vehicle and therefore must be parked in the same area as authorized by the primary permit type.

    Ride-Alone Permit           
    Carpool Permit holders may request and receive at no-charge a maximum of two (2) Ride-Alone Permits per semester.  The Ride-Alone Permit type authorizes a University carpool member to drive a personal vehicle to campus unaccompanied by their fellow carpool members.  The personal vehicle driven can be otherwise unassociated with the University carpool permit typically used by the Ride-Alone Permit requestor.  Ride-Alone Permits authorize parking in the same parking location(s) associated with the requestors carpool permit.

  • Substitute Passes are valid for a maximum of 14 days starting with the date you choose below.
    Select date MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Substitute Passes are valid for a maximum of 14 days starting with the date you choose in the above beginning date.
    Select date MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Substitute Vehicle Information

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.