Motor Bikes, Mopeds, and Motor Scooters are defined as motor vehicles and are subject to all regulations governing motor vehicle operation on the grounds of the University.
- The operation or parking of motorized vehicles on sidewalks, lawns, and within landscaped areas of campus is prohibited.
- Motor-scooters may not be parked at bicycle racks or any location that requires the use of sidewalks or landscaped areas to access them.
- Motor-scooters must not be locked to handrails, street furnishings, trees, or public safety equipment.
Parking Regulations for Motor Bikes, Mopeds, and Scooters
Motor Bikes, Mopeds, and Motor Scooters are prohibited from parking:
- in or at bicycle racks or bicycle parking areas on University grounds
- in loading zones, on sidewalks, disabled access aisles, driveways, lawns, within 10 feet of a fire hydrant, or in areas used for special events
- in breezeways, near railings, or any building locations in such a way to block residents from safely exiting a building
- in handicap spots without displaying a handicap license plate or placard
- in a manner secured to utility poles, trees, bollards, railings, signposts, meter posts, or fences
Motor Bikes, Mopeds, and Scooters are Specifically Prohibited from Being Stored or Parked Inside Buildings
Because of the potential causation or creation of life safety hazards, motor bikes, mopeds, and scooters, cannot be stored or parked near:
- Common areas inside residential or university buildings
- Breezeways
- Hallways
- Student rooms
- Entranceways
- Building Overhangs
- Immediately adjacent to campus buildings
Motor Bikes, Mopeds, and Scooters locked in the following manners may be immobilized, moved, removed or impounded without notice at their owners’ risk and expense:
- blocking safety or handicap / accessibility equipment
- blocking any building entrance or exit
- locked to handrails along stairways
- parking in an area specifically posted to prohibit bicycle parking
Operating Motor Bikes, Mopeds, and Motor Scooters
- Motor Bikes/Mopeds/Motor Scooters with an engine capacity of 50c.c. or less; do not require DMV registration, while faster motor scooters and motorcycles do. All Motor Bikes, Mopeds, and Scooters are operated in accordance with Local, State, Federal and University of Connecticut Campus regulations (Connecticut State Law Title 14 Sec. 14-286.pdf).
- Motor Bike, Moped, and Scooter operators must have a valid driver’s license.
Impounding because of Abandonment, Regulatory Violations and Safety Hazards
Motor Bikes, Mopeds, and Scooters will be considered a public safety hazard and may be removed and impounded by Parking Services without notice and at their owners’ risk and expense.
Motor Bikes, Mopeds, and Scooters are impounded:
- when blocking
- any building entrance or exit
- pedestrian pathways
- safety or handicapped / accessibility equipment (includes blue emergency phone stations)
- when locked
- to stairway handrails, walkway ramps, or within pedestrian passageways
- to trees, as this practice often kills them over time and destroys the surrounding landscape
- to fencing, trash receptacles, and benches, which degrades their finish, leads to rusting, and reduces their usefulness
- when interfering with Life Safety Zones such as
- emergency zones
- fire hydrants
- fire lanes
- in service driveways or to service equipment
- in areas under cultivation
- when parked in an area which is posted to prohibit Motor Bikes, Mopeds, and Scooter parking
- when abandoned or parked for an extended period in an apparently inoperable condition
Motor Bikes, Mopeds, and Scooter Impoundment Process
Motor Bikes, Mopeds, and Scooters (henceforth “Scooters”) parked in violation of the above-mentioned University policies may be impounded. All impounded scooters will be stored in a UConn facility until it is claimed by its owner or disposed of by the University. Parking Services is authorized to enforce its policies on all University-owned property.
The following guidelines will be followed when UConn impounds a scooter.
- Scooters that are in violation of the above regulations and present a public safety hazard as defined by Parking Services will be tagged and removed immediately.
- Scooters that are deemed abandoned will be tagged and removed after seventy-two (72) hours. The Removal Notice shall contain the following information: the date the scooter was tagged, its location and the nature of the violation. Scooters are considered abandoned when they are locked to University property in an apparently inoperable or dilapidated condition where they have remained for more than two weeks.
- Parking Services staff will take the following actions while impounding a scooter:
- take pictures of the scooter to document its condition prior to its relocation
- produce a written record of
- the time/date/location of the vehicle at the time it was impounded
- the time/date the vehicle was first tagged and when the impoundment occurred
- the make/model/color and serial number of the scooter
- distinguishing marks that may help in the identification of the scooter’s owner
- All scooters removed will be moved to the University’s scooter impound area, where they will be kept for up forty-five (45) days.
- Forty-five (45) days after impound, the scooter becomes UConn property and may be disposed of by the University.