The Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC), is created for the purpose of reviewing, advising, and advocating for improvements to circulation, parking, and transportation policies, operations and services on UConn’s Storrs and Regional Campuses. The committee’s activities encompass advising on matters related to circulation, bicycle, pedestrian, parking and transit services.
Committee Charge
The TAC is charged by the Executive Vice President of Administration and Chief Financial Officer (EVPA/CFO), to work with the Director of Logistics Administration, to review and respond to plans, initiatives and operational matters related to parking, traffic, and transportation services. The Committee's advice may include, but is not limited to, specific recommendations on:
- transit and shuttle services;
- parking accommodations and regulations;
- parking enforcement;
- bicycle and pedestrian accommodations;
- traffic and circulation;
- service and emergency vehicle access;
- fees and fine structures;
lighting and security as they relate to parking, traffic, and transportation.
The voluntary membership of the Committee will be appointed by the EVPA/CFO.
The membership will consist of faculty, staff, student representatives, with various administrative and academic expertise related to the charge of the committee.
Members are generally appointed to two-year terms and should be professionally or personally active in advocating for community-based transportation services.
Procedural Rules
Meetings: The committee shall meet quarterly to fulfill its function and responsibilities.
Subcommittee: A voluntary subcommittee of the full-committee, consisting of at least three members, may be formed when topics/issues require specialized research. Subcommittees will meet separate from the full committee as required and will meet the committee’s deadline in reporting to the TAC at the scheduled meetings.
Minutes: Minutes of each meeting will be posted on line.
Meeting Minutes
December 2, 2024
UConn Transportation Advisory Committee
Meeting Minutes
December 2, 2024
Current Initiatives
Lot F – South Campus Express Shuttle
Andy Kelly - The shuttle is continuing to be around, it is now on demand, and we have approximately six rides per day.
916 Shuttle Capacity Right sizing
Andy Kelly- We have found that many Hartford students use this service daily. Many students use the service weekly to go home. Ridership is very high. CT Transit has been on campus to promote busing.
Parking Counting Technology – We have had some challenges getting set up but are collaborating closely with the vendor.
Jim Wohl - asked if delineators/speed bumps would be warranted to slow vehicles down in the lots. Andy said that we have proposals to do this in lots C, K & I but we are refining the process currently.
Mark Hamilton asked when the lot counts could be found online. Andy explained that we are working towards that goal.
Pete Morenus explained that he continues to hear from UCPEA members that they have young children and that there is a concern in finding parking when you cannot just come in and always find a space.
Ongoing Current Initiatives
Pay by Phone Allocation leveling.
We have quite a few paybyphone locations around campus but welcome any suggestions for more areas that people see as necessary.
Hydrogen Generation
Stan Nolan explained that we broke ground on a new hydrogen fuel cell station by the Water Pollution Control Plant, we are working towards a goal to convert part of our Uconn fleet to hydrogen power.
Hydrogen Power options for vehicles
EV Charging expansion on hold.
Electric scooter RFP
Currently the university is collaborating with a vendor to establish a bike/ scooter program so that they are not left all over campus.
Peter Morenus asked if anyone is enforcing bike laws on campus. Andy Kelly suggested that he contact Matt Zadrowski at UCPD.
Increased parking enforcement
We are working on getting Smart Boot Technology to get better compliance with excessive tickets people receive. We average about five tows per day.
Current area 1 & 2 parking numbers are Area1 (551) area 2 (2774)
Completed Initiatives
New EV enforcement vehicles
Andy Kelly – We have included a couple of new enforcement vehicles in our fleet.
Expanded enforcement coverage (nights and weekends)
Andy Kelly- We have hired additional staff for our evening shift.
Parking garage structural / hardscape repairs – This summer we are expecting more maintenance construction in the garages.
Andy Kelly- There will be some needed maintenance in the garages again this summer. More information to follow.
Additional Dianne Wright Way pedestrian enhancements
Permit area leveling/redistribution.
Lot K - Commuter/Resident
Lot I – Area2, Area 3, Premium Commuter
Lot Y/Z – Area 2
Ongoing Challenges
Anticipated Parking Disruption
Lot S (-180 spaces) through Summer ‘twenty-six
Mark Hamilton asked about the space loss expected when the School of Nursing building begins to be built. Andy Kelly outlined that we are expected to lose space, but we are expecting about two-thirds of the lot to be returned to available parking when the construction is completed. The groundbreaking is expected during winter break. There are currently about two hundred parking spaces in S lot area 2 parking location.
Pete Morenus – If S lot is closed for construction activities do passholders get notified. Adny Kelly stated that the project manager puts a notice in the Daily Digest. Mark Hamilton asked if we could also put something out to permit holders notifying them by email. Andy Kelly brought up that our staff is extremely small but that he would investigate the possibility of using a listserv. Mark followed up with an email regarding an IT person within the university that could assist.
Whitney Rd. Steam line work: impact TBD, Whitney Road we will lose the side street parking.
Field House Patio and North lot off-line Spring ‘twenty-five
Questions / Comments
Monica Lattimer from Waterbury brought to the group’s attention that they are looking at a new building at 36 North Main Street, currently the occupancy has not been disclosed but she will keep us up to date on what she hears.
Roger Walker brought to our attention that he had been told by some of his constituents within the Graduate Assistant Union that although they had garage passes, they were turned away at a recent basketball game. Andy Kelly noted he would bring this to the attention of the garage management.
January 5, 2024
UConn Transportation Advisory Committee
Meeting Minutes
January 5, 2024
Completed initiatives
Parking Garages/ Hardscape Repairs
Andy Kelly: Last summer repairs were done in both garages, the most impactful repairs we done on the fifth floor of the South Garage. This coming summer we expect more maintenance work on each garage. There will be detours in the garages but we are working with the project manager to be sure the impacts are as minimal as possible.
South Campus Detours
Andy Kelly: Although everyone seems to be getting used to the South campus construction, we have made a few changes to the bus routes. We do not seem to be receiving any complaints.
North Eagleville Road Detours
Andy Kelly: We have extended the bike lane on North Eagleville Rd. It now goes to where that red line is in the picture (slide # 4). The bike lane is on the side of the road closest to Torrey.
Ongoing Initiatives
EV Charger updates
Andy Kelly: We continue to work on EV charger installation and here are the same numbers that you saw last time around, but we continue to progress on that front as well. (Slide # 5)
Current initiatives
Dianne Wright Way
Andy Kelly: Similarly to what we're doing N Eagleville Rd the Diane Wright way, behind Fieldhouse near the track area We're going to install removable bollards, where the red marks are in this picture so that it will not be a throughway anymore. Folks will be able to get to the slanted parking and the dumpsters that are further to the southeast and this picture, but not any further we expect that to be a significant safety feature. We did make it one-way vehicles shouldn't be coming up there, but it continues to have traffic pass through, frequently at unreasonable speeds. So, we should have those bollards in the ground no later than the start of fall 24.
F-Lot / South Campus Express Shuttle
Andy Kelly: We’ve instituted an express shuttle in the mornings. It originates at the top of lot F. F lot consistently has many areas and 2 parking spaces. The idea is that employees who work in the middle or South end of campus can park right at that lot in the mornings. The van, as soon as someone gets in, takes off, and then they stop at the shelter at the bottom of that lot they proceed to Hillside, stops at Fairfield Way and Gampel, then go down to the Graduate hotel and drop folks off in that lot waits two minutes and then comes back.
Ross Bagtzoglou: There are quite a few faculty members upset about the current parking situation in area 2. He requested that Andy give them a message to pass along to the members of the AAUP union as well as offered some suggestions to pass along to their members. Andy offered to meet with him to discuss the F lot express shuttle more in-depth.
Pete Morenus: If I'm understanding correctly about our conversation before and what you've said right now, it sounds to me like essentially if you get on the bus at F lot, you're getting off at the Husky Dog and no more than 10 minutes and probably around six and a half, 7 minutes.
Andy Kelly: Yes. That is accurate.
Mark Hamilton: Do you have a sense of the timeline for when they're going to be finished with the geothermal vaults in S lot?
Andy Kelly Yes, we have it on a slide later in the Slides.
Parking Counting Technology
Andy Kelly: By the time we open for the 2025 academic year, we hope to have our new parking counting technology in place. We plan to select a few locations as a pilot program, Lot N, Lot Y, Lot Z, North and South garages we will be installing counters and signage. Included in (slide # 8) is a picture from the University of West Georgia to show what the system will look like. There will be signs at the entrances of each lot to indicate if the lot is full. The goal is to install these at all locations but for now, we plan to try it and see how it works.
Increased Escalated Parking Enforcement
Andy Kelly: We are still very hopeful that we're going to have another immobilization tool in our enforcement bag of tricks, so working with procurement on this it is a boot device that can be removed locally by the owner of the vehicle once they pay all their fines.
Ongoing current initiatives
Paybyphone allocations leveling.
Andy Kelly: We're consistently evaluating our implementation of hourly parking solutions pay by phone, being the one that's used in both the garages and the surface lots. A few changes to that will probably happen over the summer. It shouldn’t be noticeable.
Garage Structural
Andy Kelly: We are going to do more garage structural repairs in summer 24. There shouldn't be anything as impactful as the fifth-floor exit from South Garage we did last year, but we will probably have half of the North garage closed at any given time during the summer. We are working with public safety and others to try to come up with a better scheme for closing down half the garage anybody who attempted to use the North garage last summer would know that it was a very challenging layout we're putting effort into making that a much more workable layout for the folks that use it daily.
Hydrogen Generation
Stan Nolan: One of the initiatives the university is looking at is alternatively fueled vehicles. One of the state's goals is to increase the usage of either battery, electric, or fuel-cell electric vehicles. We're looking at bussing options and one of those would involve putting a hydrogen fueling station on campus that allows us to have a way to refuel vehicles we are looking into grants to install more chargers for electric vehicle fuel cell vehicles need a hydrogen station to fill it and we want to generate the hydrogen on-site, making it green hydrogen through the use of solar panels.
Etc. We've purchased the fueling mechanisms pump for it the more challenging part is the timeline to get the hydrogen generation capability on campus.
The federal government you're aware of the grants and stuff that put out a large initiative across the United States to move in this direction, and a lot of that grant money went out. There are a limited number of places that make this that are scaling up to meet the potential demand. I think it was an $8 billion initiative by the federal government on hydrogen. So those locations now have a queuing system to get in line to capture the production of installation units since we're rather on the small side, we're only planning for about 24 vehicles at this time would be university on this part of our fleet. The other ones, the larger firms, say Amazon and others following this initiative as well, have priority. So where are we in Q2 to develop that until then, we'll probably utilize a portable tanker if you will. Like if you see a propane truck that comes to your house, there's a similar type of thing for hydrogen that we can have that come into our fueling station and allow us to fuel our vehicles off of that, then we have to replace that tanker ever so often.
Parking Area leveling/redistribution.
Andy Kelly: Some of the things we're doing is looking at, lot K, which is out on Discovery Drive across from the Innovation Partnership building is a very large primarily commuter lot and we added some resident parking last year because we don't have enough resident spots on campus to meet the demand of the on-campus population who do have enough credits to have a car on campus. This week we are going to switch another portion of the lot to resident parking. In lot I, which is on either side of the new ice rink, Toscano. We're going to move area three over to the side with Area 2 because area 2 has five or six total vehicles in it on a workday it will open up more of that space for, I lot commuter parking. If you're familiar with Y and Z, those are up behind McMahon adjacent to South Garage. It's one of two locations where we have premium commuters. The other is Lot N in front of the Science one building. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, there are generally significant amounts of open parking. On the other hand, Z lot is area two, and even when schools when classes aren't in session a lot, Z is filled every day. We are trying to come up with the appropriate balance.
Ongoing Challenges
Anticipated Parking Disruptions
Andy Kelly: As promised earlier, here is the list of project related parking disruptions that we know about right now. Lot S (-180 spaces), Lot R (-50 Spaces) through the summer of 2025 and summer of 2024 respectfully. Alethis Cr closure (current and future) 8 area 2 spaces and the circle closed through spring break 2024. Arjona lot (10 spaces) area 1 loss through summer 2024. Whitney Road steam line work (Impact TBD) Lot I Freitas Renovations (-10 spaces) March 24-July 24
Coryn Clark: After Gilbert and Whitney are being reconstructed after South campus construction and as Whitney is torn up has the active transportation plan been looked at and considered and potentially some of the projects that were outlined in that plan as possibly being implemented as you have that excellent opportunity on fresh asphalt. I just want to kind of put it out there so that it's also in the Minutes of this meeting, we do have these opportunities that present themselves with construction and as parking becomes somewhat more restricted people may be opting for bicycle E scooter use. You know, making bicycles/scooters more viable would be helpful and also maybe decrease some of your parking pressures. Also, I have another question related to a previous slide about EV chargers. I'm a former UCPEA Stewart and one of my members had approached me about how she was interested in purchasing an electric vehicle, but she was aware of some limitations of the use of chargers, specifically in the North garage I couldn't find any of the policies about this, but she understood she could only charge for three hours and she was going to have to pay a certain amount and she wasn't going to be able to hustle back from her office at student health back to North Garage to move her car. So, I think she opted out of using charges in North Garage.
Is that true?
Andy Kelly: We are required to charge for charging and we currently do have a 3-hour limit so that people don't leave their vehicle there all day when the reality is they only need a 3 or 4-hour charge.
Coryn Clark: I am with the Bicycle working group. I've seen a lot more mopeds and motorcycles on campus and I think that maybe there is not an incentive to drive those types of vehicles and there are not many places for them to park. There is a policy on the books for them not to park at bike racks.
However, when I go to the map on the parking website and walk to the places where scooters as they were previously called are supposed to park, a lot of those areas have been changed to either facilities, parking, or special permits. It’s no wonder to me that these motorcycles and mopeds are parked at bike racks. Because it's not clear to me, and I'm sure it's not clear to them where they're supposed to be parking.
Have you given any thought to maybe expanding areas that are specific for parking for those vehicles?
Andy Kelly: We have considered the issue on the whole; those spaces were converted for lack of use. Generally, they were sitting empty, so we changed them.
Scooters and motorcycles are kind of two different animals, for scooters to be parked at the bike racks from my perspective, we're OK with that. We can't do much concerning the enforcement of anything scooter related. Because as you know, license plate, we can't attribute to somebody we don't have the manpower to be impounding them consistently unless they become a nuisance blocking a fire lane or blocking a pedestrian throughway.
Jennifer Schafer: I'm wondering what other options might have been or could be explored to help people make decisions about whether to even drive to campus.
For example, incentivizing carpooling by I don't know, like having a closer space or a guaranteed space, and a closer lot, or just making people aware they could put more than one car on a single permit or something like that, just to reduce the total number of cars on campus. What other kinds of programs have been explored and thought about could be to reduce just the number of people driving to?
Andy Kelly: For students, we do have a mechanism for folks to carpool and share a permit amongst themselves. We don't have, closer parking and I can tell you that, although I don't disagree with the idea of incentivizing folks, we would have no way to confirm that the vehicle parked there was appropriate. So short of having someone stand there and count the number of people to get out, but back to for students, we do have a permit carpooling folks can share that permit, I'm not sure, we at Parking Services have much that we can offer to incentivize
Roger Walker: Just having people drive by themselves, there was a comment question from the GA Union about a new bus route that was supposed to start.
That has not yet it was a Willimantic buzz through WRTD supposed to start in 2023. Have you all heard anything about this or why there has been such a delay?
Phillip Johnson: The Storrs Willimantic bus that the launch of has been delayed for several reasons. The number one contributing factor is probably because of our Governor service expansion. We received $376,000 for the upcoming fiscal year and this is really good news, but it resulted in additional planning engagement, and discussions with DOT, the ideal perfect world timeline for implementation of the final root changes that you were referring to where we increase the frequency between Willimantic and stores and also launch this new city bus route and also realign the hunting lodge bus, the perfect world launch date is sometime in, in March and worst case scenario hopefully at this point is the end of the school year. So those are a couple of the reasons that there's been a delay, but we're very optimistic at this time that we have a quick then, the launch is finally coming and there will be two final engagements that were required to have because of some changes that were made to the last round of presentations. One of those will be at the Nash Zimmer Transportation Center. Again, that'll be posted and publicized on social media outlets, etc. Then the final engagement will be a public hearing at the WRTD and then approval at the board. There are some formalities that we have to get through as well for the launch and implementation. But we're getting closer and thank you for your patience throughout the last year.
September 6, 2023
UConn Transportation Advisory Committee
Meeting Minutes
September 6, 2023
Andy Kelly began the meeting introducing Stan Nolan as the new Interim Associate Vice President for Facilities operations.
Completed Initiatives:
Dianne Wright Way: The parking spaces near the Tasker building have been removed and hashmarks have been added. The issue of completely blocking that area is still being discussed.
WRTD (Windham Region Transit District) Partnership: WRTD took over our Husky Go bus program last year, despite the nationwide bus shortage things have been going well. Transportation has been working with various groups around campus, specifically North Wood Apartments because they are off campus and have concerns about walking at night. In addition to Husky Go WRTD has taken over a good part of the AVS (Accessible Van Service) Van service. The AVS vans are offered to students, faculty, and staff that have accessibility needs. We are expecting by the end of 2023 WRTD will take over the AVS van service.
Passio Go App: Philip Johnson and the WRTD group were able to add the AVS Van service into the Passio Go App so now that along with the bus service is now on Passio Go real time.
South Campus Construction is quite a challenge. We had to make some detours causing the buses to need to stop on the road rather than the bus stops in a lot of areas. We are expecting as the construction ends the buses will be able to go back to regular schedules.
Dodd Lot: Last year we talked about the Dodd lot and accessible parking. We re-designated the 11 spaces in the center row to regular area spaces a few weeks ago. Staff parking anywhere on the south side of campus has been incredibly challenging and the 11 spots are a help but not necessarily a solution.
EV Chargers: We are setting up 18 additional EV chargers, which is 30 more ports. That would give us 84 charging ports by FY25. We are paying for some of that with a rebate from Eversource. The ports near the ice rink are still not functioning. We are collaborating with our electrical engineer to get those online soon. There are 24 ports in that location.
Increased escalated parking enforcement: The bid with the barnacle fell through. We are now working with “pay lock smart boot” It is a boot but much like the barnacle the vehicle owner can pay for their fines and remove the devise themselves. We are hoping to sign a contract with this company soon.
Parking garage and hardscape repairs: During the summer in North garage, we continued the structural repairs that had been neglected for some time. South garage also had some repairs, not to the extent of North but the ramp on the fifth level heading out to Z / Y lot should be open soon. They were reinforcing the ramp to the garage.
Bus Stops Solar Canopies: We are continuing to add solar canopies on the bus stops on campus; we expect that this will continue through the academic year.
Ongoing Challenges:
One of the ongoing challenges we are facing is people parking illegally in garages because the garages are gateless, and they feel they will not be caught. Yesterday 09/05/2023 we wrote 185 tickets in the two garages, so it is an ongoing effort to teach people that there is a payment system in place in the garage.
Then South Campus construction about half of the lot will be closed we expect through the next year. With regard to the construction, we were able to work out a deal with the Town of Mansfield where they will offer UConn monthly parking in the Storrs Center garage for approximately $30.00 per month which is in line with what employees pay in our garages.
Future Initiatives:
We have increased our pay by phone allocations, we continue to evaluate our paybyphone locations. At this point we are working to balance expansion with existing needs for full-time staff and faculty who have permits and try not to encroach on that. One of the principal areas is S. Garage to be sure the pay by phone parking is not affecting the regular day-to-day parking.
Andy Introduced Stan Nolan to outline our hydrogen initiatives.
Looking forward, we are looking at alternatively fuel vehicles. We are going to the Board of trustee the next meeting with two initiatives. One is to generate Hydrogen on campus to supply fuel cell powered vehicles; we are going to be putting in a small hydrogen generation station that will supply fuel to about two dozen vehicles. The advantages to a Hydrogen vehicle over an electric vehicle are the amount of range that is available over electric vehicles. Hydrogen offers a much better range over electric vehicles and the portability of the energy source, which is hydrogen. Both vehicle types have zero emission, and we want to evaluate those out as part of our fleet and research efforts for the university. Being part of a potential hydrogen hub there is a significant amount of funding available from the federal government for the expansion of this type of infrastructure. It is quite common in parts of Asia and Europe and is significant in Southern California. So, these are great new initiatives in both the research side as well as potential fleet applications for the university.
Stan Nolan introduced himself outlining that he is replacing Mike Jednak as the interim Associate Vice President and that he hopes to make parking better and more acceptable across the university as we go along.
Mark Hamilton: What is the impact of one third of S lot in south campus going away?
Andy Kelly: I met with UPDC (University Design, Planning, and Construction) this morning and the plan is within four to five weeks half of S lot will go away. They are planning to drill the area for a geothermal field that will support the new residence hall on S. Campus
Mark Hamilton outlined that he parks at the bishop center, how would he go about changing his parking to Storrs Center should he decide to take that option?
Andy Kelly explained that you contact Storrs Center to set up the parking and contact Parking Services to cancel your current parking with the University. When you decide to resume parking with us, you will need to reach out to us again to reinstate the parking.
Anjie (Graduate Student Representative): Anji brought up concerns about parking and the buses. Many graduate students have been having trouble parking, they are assigned to area two locations, but they are telling the graduate student union it is taking forty to fifty minutes to find a space in area two parking locations. They are asking what can be done to remedy this problem.
Andy Kelly explained that there is consistently area 2 parking in lot F, there are also multiple bus stops in lot F that encourage people to use that location. Andy went onto explain that area two is not specific to one part of campus, although the South campus area is filling up because of construction impacts there is still plenty of parking across campus. If people are waiting forty or fifty minutes to find or wait for parking, they are restricting themselves to a specific area and will need to move to other locations and use the bus system if necessary.
Anjie (Graduate Student Representative): The next concern is the buses that go from Storrs to Willimantic since the beginning of the semester there have been significant delays. Some individuals have reported a two-hour delay for the bus. Last year the Graduate students were told a schedule was being made adjusted, they are not seeing that change and are concerned that they feel it has gotten much worse. Anji noted that in the mornings the buses are so full of people that the buses have had to skip stops because the buses are at capacity before they even left Willimantic.
Andy Kelly explained that the buses are not run by the University, and that the WRTD bus line from Willimantic is not funded or controlled by the University. Andy introduced Phillip Johnson who is a joint asset between us and WRTD.
Phillip Johnson explained that route 674 has been experiencing some overloads, Phillip agreed that there is a higher ridership in the morning, and they are closely monitoring the lines. On another note, WRTD is developing plans to expand their routes within the next two to three months. There should be a notable increase in buses from Storrs to Willimantic because of a streamlining that will take place. Phillip offered his email to everyone to contact WRTD with any questions.
Coryn Clark: The prior iteration of this committee was the TAC, in 2019 they had established a subcommittee for bicycles and active transportation. Do we still have a subcommittee or other group to look at active transportation issues particularly now that Uconn had consulted with a firm and drafted a master plan for active transportation.
Andy Kelly: Said that he believed the committee still exists although not by association with this committee. And requested Matt Zadrowski weigh in. Matt said that there is a bicycle working group but that is the only group he is aware of. Coryn interjected that she is on the bicycle working group, that they have no budget, no authority on campus but that they promote the access and safety of bicycling on campus, but they are looking for a more formalized platform.
Sean Vasington noted that he has an advisory meeting September 7, 2023 and that the hope is that that group with proceed with a subcommittee to proceed although Sean felt it should be in this group if we are engineered to have subcommittees, if not the plan was to bring the original ATP stakeholder group back together after the September 7, 2023 to give them an update on what they have done internally with their own resources to advance the recommendations and bike plan. Sean said the current concern is funding, unless someone has a plan for alternative funding the bike plan may need to be put on hold for a while.
Coryn Clark: The other question was from earlier notes from this committee. Back in November there was a question of whether there could be shuttles from commuter parking lots and outlying commuter lots along Routes 6, 44 and I-84 has anything come of this idea.
Andy Kelly: explained that it is currently not something we are looking into or actively pursuing.
Peter Morenus: Please clarify comments about money related to the university and WRTD regarding the Route 674 bus line. Peter said that his understanding was that in the past the University supplied funding to WRTD so that our students would be transported on the bus, and similarly in the past UCPEA and other university staff were able to ask for a bus pass.
Andy Kelly, we do subsidize WRTD that covers our on campus busing. The off campus busing that we contribute to is not with WRTD it is with CT transit it is the 913 bus that goes to Hartford. The other money that we pay WRTD is specific to Husky Go and on campus routes. You are correct about UPASS. I do not know the history of the UCPEA group being able to get them but the current agreement with CT transit does not call for that.
Peter Morenus added that the WRTD Willimantic / campus route is not conducive to employees working 35 hours. It does not line up. Hopefully when reviewing the routes that is taken into consideration as it would get more cars off campus if staff could ride the buses.
Emily Newman Savino asked for clarification on the ramp at the South garage completion.
Andy confirmed that we have been told the completion date is currently October 18, 2023.
Emily just wanted to just note first night is coming quick. Andy assured her that he is doing what he can to be sure they are done before that.
Andy added that one thing that was not added to the completed initiatives the parking along N. Eagleville has had a bike lane added. We have worked with faith institutions to review their needs and we found that we could take some of the space away for this purpose.
Sean Vasington added that the crosswalk at Shippee has had some work done the plan is to add rapid flashing beacons in that area on Rte. 195. There have also been some accessibility improvements along Rte.195
November 17, 2022
UConn Transportation Advisory Committee
Meeting Minutes
November 17, 2022
Introductions – Mike Jednak, Assoc. Vice President of Facilities Operations
The meeting started at 1:30 pm.
New Business
Mike Jednak opened the meeting, introducing Andy Kelly as the new Associate Director of Parking and Transportation Services. Mike explained that there have been quite a few changes since last meeting.
Completed Initiatives
Gateless garages and surface lots
Andy outlined that the garages have now become gateless. With the elimination of the gate’s guests need to use the flow bird or pay by phone apps or kiosks located near the elevators on the first floor of either North or South garages. Students and employees with paid permits for the garages can access and park in the garages with the vehicle registered with us and their license plate number is their parking credential to allow them access in the garages.
Garages – Mike Jednak
The saving from the gateless garages is being re-invested back into the parking system. Currently lots Y, Z, W, and T lots have been paved and the North Garage had many structural updates over the summer. In addition to the North garage structural updates the garages have had sign upgrades. Mike outlined that the garage is completely exposed to the weather elements as well as chemicals from the vehicles that park there and the updates that had been made have not been done in over 20 years. At this time, it is expected that again next summer the North garage will be closed for more updates. Mike explained that we are running two applications for payments but feels t will be much more efficient moving forward. Jorgensen and Athletics have worked with Parking Services and established a system for events
Enforcement upgrades – Andy Kelly
The Parking Services enforcement system has gone to a license plate recognition system (LPR) in addition we have purchased new all electric vehicles for enforcement, and we are using a new online validation system for departments to use when they have guests on campus allowing them to validate their guest parking. Andy added many thanks go out to Martha Funderburk and our business services group to set up and implement these various systems.
Transportation changes – Andy Kelly
Andy highlighted that WRTD is now overseeing the bus system on campus and the Accessible Van Service. There were some concerns about visually impaired individuals not being able to see the AVS Vans when they approached. Light bars have been added to the AVS vehicles to assist people with identifying the vans as they approach.
Hillside Road Pilot Program – Mike Jednak
Mike outlined that the pedestrian safety committee met and decided on a pilot program to close Hillside Road from Glenbrook Road to Jim Calhoun Way to make it a pedestrian friendly location. The pedestrian safety committee have found that the closure has been very successful.
Jim Wohl asked if he closure was both directions of Hillside – which the closure does encompass. Mike added that Glenbrook Road is being reviewed for closure now a well, more information will be forthcoming.
Future Initiatives – Andy Kelly
Barnacle is our next move to update our parking technology. Barnacle is a device that sticks on the windshield of a vehicle that is identified as having an excessive number of tickets. We have moved away from booting because boots cannot be removed on weekends and overnight. This device is placed on the windshield the individual’s vehicle. The individual is given a QR code that they can scan which directs them to a payment module. After completing payment of all citations and a deposit for the device the device comes off the windshield and it needs to be returned to Facilities Operations drop box. Andy added that the device will not be used at the regionals as we do not have a drop box there to return the device and that we plan to purchase 4 units. Jim Wohl asked if what happen if the device is not returned. Andy explained they have a GPS in the units so charges would be pressed against the individual. Mike added that any vehicle getting this device placed on their windshield are people that have an extensive number of tickets. Many of the tickets are for handicap and fire lane violations.
Andy outlined that I lot is almost completely back online, when it is open there will some EV charging stations.
Andy outlined that Parking Services plans to increase the number of spaces that are available for paybyphone.
Mike explained that Facilities Operations is in the process of purchasing a brine machine that they will pretreat the roads with prior to a storm to reduces salt usage 10-20%.
Mike outlined that we are looking into putting solar canopies on the garages, currently with the safety fencing installation is being reviewed but we do plan to move forward as soon as possible.
Mike outlined that hydrogen power is the latest innovation. The university is currently talking with various auto dealers to see what is available for vehicles. The university is also looking into a hydrogen station and the codes we would need to follow to move forward. Mike let everyone know that He and Stanley Nolan are part of the Northeast Committee on hydrogen power so he will have more information in following meetings
Mike explained that Parking and Transportation Services are currently looking onto using the commuter lots on I-84 and 384 to allow people to park and we would pick them up from the commuter lots to transport them to campus like what we do with the 913-bus route. Pete Morenus said that he had thought there was a similar initiative back 20 years ago. Pete said that he lives close to campus and unless campus is busy, he doesn’t use the buses because they do not align with his work schedule but that he would be interested in the future transportation options.
Transportation – Mike brought Phillip Johnson into the meeting to discuss and asked how we can evaluate route for staff versus student ridership. Phillips suggestion was that with surveys and route updates they could make changes as needed.
Construction – Mike outlined that with the 2 apartments’ being built in south campus S lot will be turned into at Geothermal field after the construction is complete the lot will be repaved for use as a parking lot. Andy added that only 20-25% of the lot is planned to be used at a time. With this construction Mirror Lake is scheduled to be dredged.
Public Comment
Jim Wohl asked if there has been progress made regarding safety along South Eagleville. Mike included Sean Vasington in the conversation. Sean said that he has spoken with the Town of Mansfield and the plan is to install more lighting and flashing beacons on the crosswalks near Mansfield, Eastwood and Westwood apartments.
Peter Morenus asked about information regarding hangtags at Uconn Health Center. He frequently goes to UCHC and Avery Point and has been questioned about not having a hangtag. We asked Matt Zadrowski and he said although we are not requiring hangtags there may be a concern, but Pete should be able to rectify the situation with them as he does pay for parking here in Storrs.
Monica Lattimer said there seems to be quite a few people parking in the Waterbury garage that are not supposed to be. Andy explained that enforcement has been a bit lean, but we now have many new officers trained and people will receive citations moving forward. Monica said she likes the idea of Barnacle and asked if that would be used in Waterbury. Andy explained that because of the drop box we could only use it at Storrs.
Angie Gimenez-Ravanelli with GEU brought up that the bus route has been very concerning this semester. Andy suggested that she email him with her concerns and that the routes are all being reviewed for efficiency
December 16, 2021
UConn Transportation Advisory Committee
Meeting Minutes
December 16, 2021
1) Introductions – Mike Jednak, Assoc. Vice President of Facilities Operations
The meeting started at 1:30 pm.
2) Public Comment
No public comment
3) Old Business
a) Acceptance of minutes – January 28, 2020
(1) Mike Jednak made a motion to accept the January 28, 2020 minutes. Evan Feinglass seconded that motion to accept the minutes. The meeting minutes were accepted without revision.
4) New Business
a) “Parking and Transportation is Fun” – Mike Jednak
Mike Jednak opened the meeting, sharing with the Committee members the many aspects of parking and transportation service that he has learned are highly complex, data-driven, and technologically demanding. Mike encouraged the Committee to embrace the idea that providing and improving upon the high-quality transportation services provided to the University can be intellectually challenging and professionally satisfying. Mike encouraged the Committee members to take full advantage of their participation during this time of dynamic change. Mike then provided the Committee with an overview of the University’s progress since the last meeting. Accomplishments which included the
(1) introduction of virtual parking permitting,
(2) use of License Plate Reader (LPR) enforcement,
(3) transference of the Shuttle Connector transit route in Stamford to CTtransit,
(4) continuing benefits of UCONN’s participation in the UPass Program, particularly for students located on Hartford, Storrs, and Stamford campuses (Fall UPass distributions were down 22-percent as compared to the same period in 2019, but represents a comparatively strong recovery has occurred despite the ongoing pandemic.)
b) Financial Update – Mike Jednak
i) Mike Jednak provided a positive assessment of Parking Service’s financial position. More specifically, Mike informed the Committee that student parking permit sales (-10.9%) had a strong recovery when compared to the same period in 2019 (pre-pandemic). In addition, Mike noted that employee permit sales were recovering more slowly (-20% on the Storrs campus). Still, the resulting financial shortfall from employee permit sales appears to have been mitigated by greater use of the University’s mobile (PayByPhone) parking option, although additional analysis is required.
ii) Mike informed the Committee that the financial assessment of Transportation Services is continuing and made more challenging by the ongoing merger of HuskyGo operations with WRTD. Mike reiterated his expectation of significant environmental and financial benefits from the full electrification of the HuskyGo transit fleet which he expects to be completed in the next ten years. Mike informed the Committee that additional operational efficiencies and cost-savings are expected by constructing an electric-bus charging depot on the Storrs campus. The expectation is that UCONN and CT DOT will work together to build that facility which would then use the University’s lower-cost and “greener” CoGenerated electricity. Finally, Mike informed the Committee that battery storage is likely to be a component of the bus charging depot as it would allow lower-cost off-peak electricity to be stored and used during peak demand hours.
c) Construction Status (2020-2021)
i) Mike informed the Committee that Lots Y, Z, and W were restored and repaved since the last meeting. Further, Mike shared that the Storrs campus parking garages are benefiting from multi-year required maintenance projects. The first phase of that work was completed last summer (May-August 2021). During the 2022 summer, the North Garage will remain closed to complete that facility’s maintenance project. Mike informed the Committee that parking services revenues were sufficient to cover the cost of those maintenance projects. No debt was accrued from the completed work.
d) Active Transportation Plan – Sean Vasington
i) Sean informed the Committee that the need to develop an Active Transportation Plan for the Storrs campus preexisted the pandemic but became more important with the proliferation of personal transportation devices on campus, particularly those with electric motors. Sean informed the Committee that SLR, one of the University’s on-call transportation consultants, is tasked with the plan’s development and collecting the institutional data required to complete the work. Sean informed the Committee that SLR would assess the paths and infrastructure associated with pedestrian travel, alternate human and motor-powered modes, and the interplay of those modalities with motor vehicles on campus. The plan will recommend immediate and long-term projects to improve the safety of multi-modal travel. While SLR will consider off-campus active transportation connections, their plan will recommend only on-campus improvements. Sean informed the Committee that SLR would use working groups and community outreach activities to develop the plan before the final delivery in August or September 2022.
e) WRDT/UCONN Merger – Linda Hapaman, Executive Director, Windham Region Transit District
Linda informed the Committee that WRTD had employed three mechanics and equipped their 28 South Frontage Road (Mansfield Center) facility to allow their Agency to maintain HuskyGo fleet vehicles. Linda told the Committee WRTD accepted the transfer of UConn’s transit bus parts inventory and became responsible for maintaining the HuskyGo fleet in August 2021. Linda added that their maintenance program has resulted in mechanical improvements and reliability. Linda highlighted the importance of maintaining the condition of the HuskyGo fleet until they are replaced by battery-electric vehicles. Linda told the Committee that the WRTD facility is being enlarged to accommodate the additional HuskyGo fixed-route vehicles, electric replacements, battery-electric charging, and additional administrative space. The construction of the enhanced WRTD facility, now in design, is expected to be complete “in about two years.” Linda also informed the Committee that the WRTD vehicles would be equipped with the same Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) and Automatic Passenger Counting (APC) equipment available in all HuskyGo transit vehicles in the coming months.
f) Bus Tracking Software – Dwight Atherton
Dwight informed the Committed that the TransLoc Rider bus tracking app used by HuskyGo for the past two years is being retired at the end of 2021. Its replacement, PassioGo!, is currently available to students through the myUConn app. The change to PassioGo! simplifies the transit bus tracking system and will allow smooth and seamless bus tracking of vehicles assigned to both HuskyGo and WRTD fixed transit routes.
g) Electric Buses – Dwight Atherton
Dwight informed the Committee that CT DOT is committed to purchasing only battery-electric vehicles in the future. CTtransit already operates electric buses in Hartford, New Brittan, and Stamford. CT DOT continues to order more electric buses and is awaiting their delivery and assignment. Dwight told the Committee that UConn met with CT DOT and their Consultants to locate a 3MW battery-electric charging depot on the Storrs campus. The University has since determined that sufficient capacity exists on the University’s microgrid to support the proposed charging equipment and facility.
5. Adjournment
Upcoming Meeting: To be determined
November 4, 2019
UConn Transportation Advisory Committee
Meeting Minutes -- PENDING APPROVAL --
Facilities Conf. Rm. B
November 4, 2019, 1:30pm
- Introductions – Alan Calandro, Chief of Staff; Exec VP Admin and CFO Office
- Public Comment
- Old Business
- Acceptance of minutes – September 9, 2019 Alan Calandro
Alan Calandro motioned for the acceptance of the September 9, 2019 meeting minutes, which was accepted by Rich Miller and seconded by Mike Jednak.
- New Business
a.) Katharine Otto Mike Jednak
The Committee was informed that Katharine Otto was leaving the University, haven taken another position in Vermont. Katharine’s last day working for the University will be Friday, November 8. The Committee was told that inquiries and messages previously sent to Katharine should be redirected to:
Emails transportation@uconn.edu
Telephone PTS Customer Service Center (860) 486-4930
Dwight Atherton and Mike Jednak shared words of appreciation for Katharine’s significant contributions. Those contributions were essential to renew the University’s transit services and significantly improve its operational performance. Katharine’s community outreach efforts and research abilities will be missed.
b.) PTS Customer Service Center Renovation (complete) Mike Jednak
The renovation of the PTS Customer Service Center is complete. Mike Jednak expressed his satisfaction with the outcome of the project and encouraged the TAC members to visit the Center in order to familiarize themselves with the improvements.
c.) Northwest Science Quad – Permit Parking Relocations (Phase II) Dwight Atherton
Dwight Atherton informed the Committee that the final phase of parking relocation from the Northwest Science Quad would occur in January 2020. At that time, the remaining employee parking will relocate to Lot F, and the remaining Student Commuter parking will relocate to Lots C and K. No additional permit parking will be sold in the North Garage in order to preserve the space needed to accommodate guest and visitors. Dwight reminded the Committee that the relocation is required to prepare the parcel for the construction of the STEM Research Center 1 (Science I) building and the Supplemental Utility Plant.
d.) Stamford Parking –
i.) 1194 Washington Boulevard - update Dwight Atherton
The final portion of the 315 space surface parking lot located across from the UConn Stamford campus at 1194 Washington Boulevard will open in January 2020. Dwight Atherton informed the committee that the “1194 Lot” and the leased parking space in the Target parking garage will be sufficient to meet the parking needs of that campus.
ii.) Bell Street Garage – termination of parking lease Mike Jednak
Mike Jednak told the Committee that the University had informed the City of Stamford that it would not be renewing the lease of 200 parking spaces in its Bell Street Garage. The lease will expire in January 2020. Mike informed the Committee that the University would save approximately $60,000 per semester as a result the termination.
e.) Depot Campus –
i.) Additional Event Parking Capacity & Sidewalk Connection Dwight Atherton
The programs in the Longley Building and the Center for Clean Energy Engineering, located on the Depot Campus have faced challenges associated with having limited event parking available to them. Dwight Atherton informed the Committee that, in response to their concerns, a construction project was developed to add 35 event parking spaces in proximity to those buildings along with adjoining sidewalks. Dwight informed the Committee that construction documents had been prepared and a contractor identified, the completion of the work this fall will be weather dependent.
ii.) Romano Road improvements
Concerns brought to the Pedestrian Safety committee regarding the lack of pavement markings and regulatory signage on Romano Road, a busy section of roadway heavily used both by UConn Facilities Operations and construction vehicles on the Depot Campus. Dwight Atherton informed the Committee that Sign Services was able to address the concerns within 24-hours of the request for improvements.
f.) Permit Parking – Sales volume - update Dwight Atherton
i.) Dwight informed the committee that Commuter Student permits had fallen by 11% as compared to a year ago (approximately 500 fewer permits have been sold). He also shared that the sale of student permits had fallen by approximately 6% overall.
[The sale of employee parking permits increased by approximately 12% (800 permits) during the same period with the greatest increase realized in the sale of Area 2 permits to Special Payroll employees.]
g.) Event Parking – Fall Career Fairs; Open Houses; First Night; Basketball Dwight Atherton
Dwight informed the Committee that the event parking and traffic control plan, first implemented a year ago, continues to perform well.
h.) Parking Projects (Summer 2020) - update Dwight Atherton / Mike Jednak
Mike Jednak informed the Committee that the scope of the previously discussed $1M project to improve the quality of Lots Y and Z had changed. Those funds will now be used to improve both parking and pedestrian access safety on Lot Y exclusively. Any remaining funds would be used to improve similar issues on Lot Z.
i.) CT Transit 913 & UPASS – Updates Katharine Otto
[CT Transit did not provide the University with Route 913 ridership reports for September and October until November 21, 2019.]
Ridership on the 913 continues to exceed all expectations.
- A new monthly ridership record (22,375 passenger trips) in September, an increase of 38.5% over last year.
- Another monthly ridership record (25,058 passenger trips) was set in October.
- A new single-day ridership record (1,167 passenger trips) was set on Friday, October 11.]
Route 913 ridership data for the months of September and October 2019 is summarized within the following table:
2017 | 2018 | 2019 | ||
September | 10,891 | 16,154 | 22,375 | 38.5% |
October | 12,089 | 19,548 | 25,058 | 28.2% |
j.) Storrs Shuttle – Ridership Data Katharine Otto
Katharine shared a one-page handout with the Committee that summarized fixed route shuttle ridership on the Storrs campus for the fall 2019 semester. The average daily ridership has increased 43% from a year ago (6,903/day to 9,902/day). The ridership trend continues to rise each week. Katharine informed the Committee that the shuttle service reached peak daily ridership volumes in excess of 12,000 passengers per day, with few passengers left behind. The Red and Yellow lines continue to be the most popular.
k.) Stamford Shuttle – Update Dwight Atherton
The Stamford shuttle (now known as the “Stamford Connector 355”) had been operating without incident. Dwight reported that CT Transit had not yet submitted ridership information for the 355 Route to the University. Dwight also informed the Committee that University Communications was still working with CT Transit to develop an appropriate bus wrap/advertisement for the CT Transit bus most frequently assigned to the 355 Route.
l.) WRTD Hunting Lodge Route – Update Katharine Otto
Katharine informed the Committee that WRTD Hunting Lodge Route ridership was unexpectedly low at the start of the semester. Ridership on that line has however been growing at a slow and steady rate. Approximately 50% the Hunting Lodge Road Line’s expected student ridership has now been recovered.
m.) Accessible Van Service – Service Increase; Vans Ordered, “Radio” upgrade Dwight Atherton
Dwight informed the Committee that that the AVS Coordinator had a difficult time hiring enough student drivers to adequately provide the service this semester. Dwight also mentioned that some of this semester’s initial service challenges were related to staff inexperience. Dwight then informed the committee that those concerns had now been addressed. He also informed the committee that five rather than four vans were now required to provide the daily AVS service due to increased demand.
Dwight informed the Committee that PTS is ordering two new ramp vans for the AVS, one of which will replace a similar vehicle that is due to be retired.
Dwight also informed the committee that PTS was considering replacing the push-to-talk (PTT) cellular service used to dispatch the AVS vehicles with a new one that provided better communication and construction that is more rugged. The current PTT equipment, purchased from a different vendor, is falling apart after only two years of use.
n.) Bicycling/Active Transportation Subcommittee Rich Miller
Alan Calandro informed the Committee of its new Bicycle subcommittee that was chaired by Coryn Clark. Coryn then told the Committee that the Bicycle Work Group (BWG) she chaired had been working to GIS the capacity, condition, location and type of bicycle racks on campus. Coryn informed the Committee that the BWG was working to add the bike rack data they had collected to the University’s GIS map, which they hope would be ready to be shared in January 2020. Coryn stated that the BWC was interested in working with UConn planners to improve the university’s current bicycle and active transportation plans. Coryn said that the BWG members were looking at the active transportation plans of similar universities for inspiration. Coryn informed the committee that they had reviewed a bicycle plan that was developed for/by the University in 2011, but it recognized that not all of its elements were included with the subsequent 2015 Master Plan. Rich Miller informed the Committee that he had heard from many members of the University who were interested in covered or enclosed on-campus bike parking. Dwight mentioned that he oversaw a project at another institution to create a caged/secure bicycle parking area within a structured parking garage with security camera surveillance and card door access. Dwight stated that the parking location had capacity for 70 bicycles and it cost $60K to construct. Mike Hamilton shared his observation that a large number of motorized vehicles were being operated on sidewalks in the core pedestrian areas and asked if it would be possible to separate pedestrian traffic from motorized vehicle traffic along those pathways. The Committee consensus was that, while the benefits of separating pedestrian and motor vehicle traffic was apparent, the method of realizing that separation was not. Coryn mentioned that the Town of Mansfield allows bicycles to be operated on sidewalks at least in part because it is too dangerous for cyclists to travel on Route 195. Mike Jednak highlighted the difficulty assigning Parking Enforcement Officers (PEOs) to bicycle parking. Four PEOs enforce parking rules and regulations on the Storrs and Regional campuses. Katharine then highlighted the fact that education will be essential to the proper enforcement of bicycle parking and use on the University’s campuses. Mike Hamilton suggested that the University should see if aspects of the bicycle plans used by the Dutch could be adapted for use by the University. Alan Calandro asked Rich Miller and Coryn to provide the TAC with a full list of Bicycle Work Group members.
Upcoming Meeting; TBD
September 9, 2019
3. Old BusinessAcceptance of minutes - January 29, 2019 Alan Calandro
Alan motioned for the acceptance of the January 29, 2019 TAC meting notes which was accepted by Keith Hood and seconded by Mike Jednak. Minutes approved.
4. New Business a) Bicycle Friendly Campus – Power Point Presentation Coryn ClarkCoryn informed the Committee that the Bicycle Working Group had been working throughout the past year to encourage all modes of “active transportation” on the UConn Storrs campus and those efforts included the increased use of bicycles. Coryn then informed the Committee that the following elements were essential to the growth of active transportation: Engineering, Education, Encouragement, Enforcement, and Evaluation. Each of these elements would be equally essential to the development of a campus bicycle plan. Coryn told the Committee that the Group was looking for a “home for the project” to build a “bicycle friendly campus” and shared her understanding that the Committee would be able to provide data and access to the senior administrator able to assist with the achievement of that goal.
Rich Miller shared his understanding that both the planning of bicycle routes and recommendations of supporting infrastructure fell within the Committee’s charge.
Alan Calandro recommended that the Group collaborate with Rich Miller to develop a formal list of near-term action items and longer-range objectives. Alan suggested that those items and objectives could be shared with the TAC during its next scheduled meeting. Alan also stated that the Committee’s bylaws would allow the creation of a bicycle-related subcommittee and the Bicycle Working Group could be represented on it.
Mike Jednak asked whether there is an inventory of existing bicycle infrastructure, including bike racks. Coryn stated that the Group was currently completing an on-campus bike rack inventory. There was general TAC consensus that the inventory information collected by the Group should be confirmed and then added to the University’s GIS campus map.
b) Parking Projects (Summer 2019)i. Lot K Dwight Atherton / Sean Vasington
The new lot has about 700 spaces and opened for use a week before school started. Substantial completion of the project expected by the end of October 2019.
ii. Lot W Mike Jednak
This lot was regraded, paved, and otherwise improved during the summer months of 2019, and was available for use at the start of the fall semester.
c) CT Transit 913 & UPASS – Updates Katharine Otto Ridership continues to increase on the 913 Hartford-Storrs bus route and a handout providing graphic and numerical evidence of those increases was distributed to the Committee. U-Pass usage continues to be strong and a second handout quantifying their distribution and usage was provided. d) Storrs Shuttle – Ridership Data Katharine Otto Last year we had 1.1 million riders; which was good. Fall 2019 ridership is doing very well – significant increases in ridership compared to the last two fall semesters – even when the weather has been nice. Nearly 9,000 rides per day, with heaviest ridership on Blue, Yellow and Red Lines. Summer ridership was also strong – nearly double the rides of the previous summer. Ridership data sheets that supported those findings were distributed. e) Stamford Shuttle – Update Dwight Atherton The Stamford service was transferred to Connecticut Department of Transportation (CDOT) which is now being provided by CT Transit. This operational transfer provides the same service with greater efficiency and allowed the University to repurpose its “Stamford” bus for use on its main campus. The new Stamford shuttle route is called the 355 UConn Stamford Connector. Unfortunately, CT Transit does not provide bus tracking at this time. Work is currently underway to wrap the CT Transit bus most commonly assigned to the 355 Route in a manner that advertises UConn and promotes its brand. f) WRTD Hunting Lodge Route – Update Katharine Otto Operation of the University’s former “Purple Line” (2018/19 academic year), which provided service along Hunting Lodge Road, was transferred to the Windham Region Transit District (WRTD). CDOT provided the bus now in operation on the Hunting Lodge Road Route to the WRTD. Strong outreach efforts to promote and coordinate this important change started last spring. On-campus departments and off-campus apartment complex mangers continue to be essential participants in those continuing efforts. Despite those efforts, there has initially been a significant year-over decrease in ridership on the Hunting Lodge Route. g) Move in – Drone Footage Dwight Atherton Dwight shared drone footage showing vehicle staging and travel patterns used during the 2019 move-in period. Dwight pointed out areas of success as well as those that required improvement. h) Event Plan -- Drone Footage Dwight Atherton Dwight shared drone footage of traffic flow as it egressed campus following a 2018/19 Basketball event. Dwight pointed out areas of success as well as those that required improvement. The drone footage provided Committee members with clear evidence of the event management plan in action and the importance of drone footage to its continuing refinement. i) Potential Partnership Opportunities – WRTD Mike JednakMike discussed future opportunities for partnership with WRTD.
Rich Miller asked if the Electric Bus grant award would be effected by those plans. Alan told the committee that discussion between the University and the DEEP about the grant was continuing.
Peter Morenus asked if it was possible for University employees to ride non-UConn services for no-charge. Dwight responded that University employees must currently pay public fares when using non-UConn transit services.
j) Parking updates Dwight Atherton Dwight reported that parking permit sales are up about 10% this year. He informed the Committee that the cause of that increase was unclear. Dwight then told the Committee that he suspected that the permits were being purchased earlier in the year. If that supposition is true, permit sales volume should soon decline and the total number of permits sold may be equivalent to last year. Dwight reminded the Committee that the academic year enforcement of permit parking regulations begins with two weeks of warnings, which lasts through the first week of classes. The following week the first fee parking citations are written. As a result, parking permit sales historically spike during the second and third weeks of classes. k) Construction Impacts – Northwest Science QuadDue to a shortage of time, this topic was tabled and will be added to the next TAC meeting agenda
i. Parking Dwight Atherton
ii. Transportation Dwight Atherton
l) Depot Campusi. Parking Improvements Mike Jednak
Mike briefly described the need to add some paved event parking capacity on the Depot Campus for use by those in the Longley building and the Center for Clean Energy Engineering (C2E2).
ii. Enforcement -- Update Dwight Atherton
Over the summer, parking areas were marked and many permit parking regulatory signs were installed. Parking and Transportation Services is now working with its departmental campus constituents and program directors to finalize those arrangements. Dwight told the Committee that some parking and transportation improvements must be made in some locations before parking permit regulations can be fully enforced on that campus.
m) Summer Projects 2020i. Lots Y & Z – will likely be repaved
ii. North & South Garage Maintenance - is expected to begin and then continue each summer thereafter with approximately $500K of repairs and maintenance to be done in each of those facilities annually.
Upcoming Meeting November 4, 2019 1:30pm-3:00pm Facilities Operations Building Conf. Rm B AdjournmentMarch 12, 2019
Transportation Advisory Board Meeting
Meeting Minutes for March 12, 2019
Facilities Operations, Conference Room B
ATTENDANCE: See Attached
PROCEEDINGS: Assoc. Vice President, Mike Jednak convened the meeting at 3:34p.m.in the Facilities, Conference Room B on the University of Connecticut campus in Storrs, Connecticut.
PUBLIC COMMENT: There was no public comment.
- Acceptance of Minutes: Following a motion by Mike Jednak the minutes of the January 29, 2019, Transportation Advisory Committee meeting were unanimously accepted.
- Northwest Science Quad Development
Dwight Atherton, Transportation & Parking Services, Assoc. Director presented a power point outlining the initial parking plan to accommodate the upcoming development of the Northwest Science Quad (see attached)
Dwight informed the Committee that the relocation of the 1,053 parking spaces from the Northwest Science Quad (NSQ) development area to other locations will produce a cascade of events that will affect permit parkers across the Storrs campus. Dwight informed the Committee that they and the groups they represented should prepare for their regular parking patterns to be disrupted until new parking patterns are established following the implementation of each phase of the two-part construction mitigation plan.
Dwight shared the following specifics with the Committee related to the phased relocation of all permit parking from the NSQ development area by January 2020.
- Lot K, the new Commuter student parking lot on Discovery (~700 spaces) is expected to open in August 2019
- Lot L, the Commuter student parking lot immediately to the north (North Eagleville side) of Lot X (~225 parking spaces) will permanently close in August 2019
- Lot X (upper section) which provides ~300 spaces of conjoined employee and student parking, will permanently close in August 2019
- Lot X (lower section), a Commuter student lot, will remain open during the fall semester before permanently closing in January 2020
- Lot F (“lower section” of the lot behind FacOps) will be converted from Commuter student parking to Employee (Area 2) in August 2019
- The Area 2 parkers displaced by the closure of the upper section of Lot X can be accommodated on Lot F, although some will opt for the North Garage
- The Commuter students displaced from Lot F can be accommodated on Lot C, but some may choose to park on Lot K (~700 spaces), which is the new Commuter student parking lot currently being constructed on Discovery Drive and located across from the Innovation Partnership Building
- Lot N, which is the employee lot across from the North Garage, will permanently close in January 2020
- Those displaced by the closure of Lot N can be accommodated on Lot F, although some will opt for the North Garage
- Lot Y (~325 spaces), the Commuter student section of the large lot to the south of the South Garage), will become a Premium Commuter parking lot and will require the use of a lot-specific permit; the fee for these permits will be equivalent to the Premium Resident permit fee on the Storrs campus
- Lot G (~100 spaces), which is the newly constructed Area 1 surface parking lot behind Gampel, will be an Area 1 parking location and will require the purchase of a lot-specific permit
- the purchase of Lot G permits were first made available to:
- ITS employees working in the Modular Building
- Athletics employees working in the area
- Area 1 waiting list
- All Commuter student parking permit parking will be authorized using lot-specific parking permits during the 2019/20 permit year. Separate permits will be issued for each of the following lots/areas:
- Lot C
- Lot I (by the Ice Forum)
- Lot K (the new lot on Discovery located across from the IPB)
- Lot W – this permit type will also include authorization to park in Commuter student parking areas along Horse Barn Hill
- The sales volume of each of these lot-specific permit types will be controlled to prevent overages
- the purchase of Lot G permits were first made available to:
Mike Jednak added that on-campus traffic patterns will also change and asked the Committee members to share that fact with their constituents in order to both inform and prepare them for those anticipated changes.
Dwight highlighted that the Commuter students displaced from their former parking locations in the NSQ will park in lots along Discovery Drive, which will reduce student traffic through the intersections of North Eagleville and Discovery/Hillside Roads. Dwight informed the Committee that student parking relocations will increase demand for efficient on-campus shuttle transportation.
Mike Jednak reminded the Committee that the Jim Calhoun Way closure, between Alumni Road and the Freitas Ice Forum (required for the Athletics Stadia development) would remain in place for another eighteen months.
Nancy Bull noted that she is in the college of Agriculture and the employees are very concerned about how the changes may affect them. Dwight replied that parking effects associated with the NSQ development would have minimal impacts in the northeast are of campus.
Sean Vasington informed the Committee that approximately 170 parking spaces will be created in the NSQ in association with the Science I building construction project.
Pete Morenus said that he is concerned about how permits will be sold to employees during the proposed NSQ development parking mitigation plan and expressed the opinion that union bargaining negotiations would be required. Pete then asked if Lot G permits were currently being sold. Dwight stated that Lot G permits were being made available for purchase by those who currently work in that area of campus and those that were already on the waiting list to purchase an Area 1 permit. Dwight also stated that the conversion of a Lot G from one type of Area 1 permit to another constituted a change that was not covered by any collective bargaining agreements.
Jennifer Caffyn asked if there are any plans to add crosswalks near Discovery Drive and North Eagleville Road. Jennifer shared her opinion that changes were needed to address preexisting public safety concerns. Mike Jednak responded that plans to realign the intersection; and the intersection of King Hill Road and Hillside Road; were being discussed, along with their associated crosswalks.
Sean Vasington added that improvements to the intersections of both King Hill Road and LeDoyt Road with North Eagleville Road were also being discussed. Sean informed the Committee the establishment of crosswalks in this section of North Eagleville Road was very challenging due to the awkward road alignments and their mid-block locations.
Mike Jednak told the Committee that the concern Jennifer raised would be brought to the Pedestrian Safety Committee for further consideration.
- U-Pass, Public Transit Update, Shuttle Updates
Katharine Otto gave an overview of ridership (handout included). She stated that there has been quite a substantial increase in ridership this semester. She said that yellow line has increased as there were some changes and that green line went down a bit, she expects because of the weather. Katharine added that the Friday night and weekend route have nearly doubled in passenger counts, adding that the Stamford bus is currently accommodating approximately 500 passengers per day with a total of 17,000 riders so far this year.
Katharine Otto reported that usage of the U-Pass on the Storrs-Hartford Express (913) service reached a peak of 13,000 riders in October and the overall ridership on the 913 bus is very promising. 40-70% of riders on the route are using the U-Pass to ride, depending on the month\.
Dwight Atherton added that the substantially increased use of public transit by those on the Stamford campus correlated with an approximately 50-percent decrease in permit parking sales on that campus. As a result, University-leased parking agreement for Bell Street Garage capacity was reduced to from 400 to 200 spaces in January 2019. Dwight informed the Committee that he currently expects that the University’s need for Bell Street Garage parking for permit parking will end in January 2020, which would save the University about $500,000/year.
Katharine confirmed that the 913 bus was the route that connected the Storrs campus with downtown Hartford.
- Collaboration with CDOT
Mike Jednak and Katharine Otto then informed the Committee that Parking & Transportation Services was working with CDOT to transfer the provision of UConn shuttle bus service between Stamford Station and the Stamford campus to CTtransit. Although the University would need to pay CDOT for providing the service, the University would be able to return the 35-foot transit bus now providing the service to the Storrs campus. An additional bus will be needed in Storrs to accommodate the increased demand associated with the NSQ development in August 2019.
Donna Korbel asked if any on-campus shuttle routes were being eliminated. Katharine informed the Committee that no routes were expected to be eliminated during AY2019/20.
Mike Jednak outlined that UConn was working with the Windham Region Transit District (WRTD) and CDOT to transfer the delivery of UConn’s Purple Line (Hunting Lodge Road Route) to the WRTD. Similar to the University’s efforts in Stamford, the University would pay the WRTD to provide the “Purple Line” service using their own transit bus. This would allow the University to use the Purple Line bus on a Storrs campus route in August 2019.
Mary Hartford, graduate student, and Graduate Employee Union (GEU) member, raised general concerns related to the currently available public transit service in the Storrs/Mansfield/Willimantic area. Mary informed the Committee that graduate students strongly demanded off-campus public transit services. Mary also shared with the Committee concerns about how the graduate student payment of the University’s Transportation Fee was associated with the delivery of off-campus public transit services.
New Business:
- Shuttle Software Demonstration
George Perron provided a demonstration of the newly implemented HuskyGo shuttle tracking and automated passenger counting software (Passio / TransLoc) to the Committee. George informed the Committee that the system was fully functional and providing the expected service. George informed the Committee that the new shuttle tracker application was available through the MYUCONN application and that the University former tracking system (RideSystems) would be fully retired in May 2019. Until that time, the new Passio/Trans-Loc system and the older RideSystems tracker would continue to be available and supported.
Mike Jednak share the opinion that the ability of the new system to alert riders when their bus is approaching is one of its best features.
Mike Jednak also expressed that he was very pleased that the new shuttle tracking and passenger counting system could be implemented in only four-month, honoring his fall semester commitment students to have it available during the 2019 spring semester.
Katharine Otto added that the implementation of the new tracking system had gone very smoothly and was being quickly adopted by predominantly student users.
Nancy Bull asked if UConn departments collaborated with the implementation of the Passio/Trans-Loc system. Dwight informed the Committee that only Information Technology Services shared responsibility for the installation of the new system because of the immediacy of the implementation deadline and lack of customization required.
Dwight Atherton informed the Committee that the Passio/Tran-Loc system was providing report data that was significantly better than that provided by RideSystems. Dwight shared his confidence in the ability of his department to improve significantly the efficiency and quality of the on-campus shuttle service as a result.
Robert Smith asked if there were privacy concerns related to the Trans-Loc application and the enabled use of location sharing. Katharine informed the committee that the data collected was anonymized; it was not possible to identify the location of individuals. Katharine added that users are informed of the use of the application of location sharing and can choose to share their location only while using the application or to opt out entirely.
- NuPark Implementation
George Perron informed the Committee that Parking Services completed a Request for Proposal process and selected NuPark as their new parking management software system. George shared that Parking Services was currently working to develop the plan needed to properly configure the new system, which was highly complex. George highlighted NuPark’s ability to provide enforcement through License Plate Recognition (LPR) and the use of virtual (rather than physical) permits and electronic parking tickets (e-tickets).
Mike Jednak told the Committee that the decisions about whether or not to implement virtual permits and/or e-tickets have yet to be made.
Pete Morenus asked how the use of loaner cars would be accommodated by the new system. Dwight informed the Committee that the system would allow permit holders to temporarily add the loaner vehicle’s registration to their own parking permit privileges.
Sean Vasington asked if new equipment would be required to implement the new system. Dwight informed the committee that only office and mobile enforcement equipment would be needed to implement the new system.
Dwight added that currently we do not have access to the Police Department system and with this system; we would be able to get more information regarding the vehicle owners.
George Perron informed the Committee that a NuPark configuration specialist would be coming the following week to spend three days on the Storrs campus, which will begin what is expected to be an extensive configuration process.
- Construction Updates
Mike Jednak started the conversation stating that this summer appears that it will be less impactful then last summer.
Sean Vasington, Assoc. Director, Planning, Design and Construction, informed that planning for the Science 1 construction project was continuing. Sean also informed the Committee that the use of a traffic circle at the intersection of Hillside Road and Alumni Drive is being studied in relation with both the NSQ development and the Gant Tunnel project. Sean reminded the Committee that the new Discovery Drive parking lot would provide parking for approximately 700 vehicles and a gated connection between that lot and Lot W was also being constructed as part of that project. Sean informed the Committee that most summer construction traffic impacts would be those related to alternating one-way travel past work zones. Sean then told the Committee that in addition to the alternating one-way accommodations, several sectional road closures were expected including: Horsebarn Hill Extension, Auditorium Extension and Auditorium Road (to the west of Jorgensen Road), and the section of Jim Calhoun Way between its intersection of Auditorium Road and the Lot I entrance to the Freitas Ice Forum. Sean also informed the Committee that Lot W would be closed for repaving this summer.
Sean displayed a map outlining the upcoming construction projects and explained that the information can be found on the UPDC website at https://uconn.edu/construction
Sean said there would be a campus information meeting on March 22, 2019, to share these and additional details about current and summer construction projects.
- Autonomous Vehicles
Mike Jednak outlined that Eric Johnson has received a grant that is being written to pilot vehicles on campus.
Dwight Atherton stated that autonomous vehicles and people’s response to them would be subjects of the study.
Mike Jednak shared his opinion that the use of autonomous delivery vehicles would benefit Facilities Operations by freeing up labor and lowering operational costs.
- Other
Donna Korbel stated that she was glad someone closed the sidewalk on Hillside Road adjacent to the Student Recreation Center construction site.
Mary Hartford informed the Committee that some Storrs campus bike racks remained unusable because they were buried in snow. Mike Jednak said he would bring the concern to the attention of his staff.
January 29, 2019
Transportation Advisory Board Meeting
Meeting Minutes for January 29, 2019
Facilities Operations, Conference Room B
ATTENDANCE: See Attached
PROCEEDINGS: Chairperson, Alan Calandro called the meeting to order at 3:30p.m.
PUBLIC COMMENT: There was no public comment
Acceptance of Minutes: Minutes from the December 3, 2018 meeting were accepted.
Bike Sharing – UConn Recreation:
Alan Calandro introduced Cyndi Costanzo, Leah Rossettie and Michael Dalfonso from UConn Recreation who were invited to provide an overview of UConn’s current Bike Share Program. The following is a summary of the facts that were provided to the Committee:
The Program, initiated by the Undergraduate Student Government (USG), was originally located outside the Homer Babbidge Library. The original 10-bicycle inventory used to start the Program was retired in 2016. UConn Recreation took over the administration and operation of the Program at the request of the USG. Under the leadership of Recreation, the Bike Share Program was expanded and currently boasts an 80-bike inventory and employs approximately thirty students.
Recreation plans to grow the inventory to 150 bicycles at which time the effectiveness of the Program’s sufficiency and operational model will be reassessed. The Bike Share Program is now housed in the Field House but will relocate to dedicated space in the new Student Recreation Center (SRC). The Program’s new SRC space will allow more educational opportunities. Those classes will be of high-quality and benefit from the dedicated space, with features that will include bicycle repair stations and indoor bicycle storage capacity. League of American Cyclist certification will be available. Bicycle maintenance/repair and safety will be among the classes offered.
The UConn Bike Share Program most typically leases bicycles to students by the academic semester ($60/fall semester [September – November]; $30/spring semester [March – April]). Shorter-term leases are available, but are less popular.
The students who participate in the Program generally treat the leased bicycles “like they were their own.” The Program continues to grow in popularity. The semester-lease model seems to be a good fit for the Storrs campus users. Program participants sign waivers before leasing Program bicycles. They are provided with helmets and bicycle locks. No other (reflective) safety apparel is provided. Program bicycles are not currently equipped with lights but their addition is under consideration.
The Committee discussed bicycle parking enforcement and bicycle rack installation. Several members of the Committee expressed concern over the number of apparently abandoned bicycles on the Storrs campus. Facilities Operations continues to remove abandoned bicycles but the process is both expensive and time-consuming.
Mike Jednak reminded the Committee that the University has a standing Pedestrian Safety Committee, the scope of which was expanded to include all modes of travel, including bicycles.
Mike also reminded the Committee that the upcoming development of the Northwest Science Quadrant will significantly affect all modes of travel. The increased use of bicycles on the Storrs campus might be one of those effects.
Northwest Science Quad Development – Anticipated Parking Impacts
Dwight Atherton informed the Committee that Lot L and a portion of Lot X will close in preparation of the Northwest Science Quadrant (NSQ) development in August 2019. These closures will displace both employee (Area 2) and Commuter student permit parkers to other parking facilities. Dwight told the Committee that more definitive plans related to those and other permit parking changes would be available once the associated construction plans and schedules were finalized. Dwight stated that the changes were likely to include the use of some new lot-specific permit types, which might affect permit pricing in some locations.
Mike Jednak highlighted the increasing importance of improving the efficiency of the Storrs shuttle bus system in advance of the NSQ changes because the University’s community will become increasingly reliant on them as a result of the parking changes related to the construction.
Nancy Bull raised concerns regarding signs that were installed in the lot near the Dairy Bar limiting the use of several Area 2 spaces. Dwight explained the change was to accommodate Dairy Bar employees who work the night shift. He stated that the limitation was time limited, only restricting use from late afternoon into the evening. [Following the conclusion of the Committee meeting, it was confirmed that the content of Dairy Bar employee parking signs were incorrect; the needed corrections were made the next day.]
Mike Jednak stated that additional information about the upcoming parking changes would be available at the next meeting.
Bus AVL/APC Presentation
George Perron presented the highlights of Transportation Services’ new bus tracking system and its associated customer app. The system was recently purchased by Transportation Services to improve daily operations, enable data driven decisions, and provide significantly enhanced customer services.
Pete Morenus asked if reliable bus timetables will be part of the new system. Dwight Atherton explained that the buses do run on route-specific timetables. However, the new system will be able to “learn” over time and then automatically update its arrival predictions to accommodate regular changes in daily traffic patterns. Dwight informed the Committee that the new app would be beta-tested by students who indicated both their frequent use of Husky-Go shuttle services and an interest in providing Transportation Services with assistance and information.
Transportation Survey Results
Katharine Otto shared the following information about the data collected during the fall semester Transportation survey. The survey allowed respondents a full week to reply. Information about the survey’s availability was published to the Daily Digest, Daily Campus, and social media outlets. Participation was actually higher than expected, with 706 responses of which 90% were students. Just over half (51%) of the respondents had regular access to personal vehicles. Approximately half (53%) of the respondents lived on campus and about the same percentage used other transit systems.
The respondents had the opportunity to express their relative interest to several proposed service improvements. More than 60% of the respondents considered the proposed change to the Yellow line to be either beneficial (or having a neutral effect). As a result, the change to the Yellow line will be implemented for the spring semester.
Additional data collected during the fall survey showed that 60% of respondents use the current RideShare app/site for live-tracking information. Most respondents prefer to receive information from Parking Services using direct emails and the Daily Digest. Transportation Services is currently developing a listserve in order to provide HuskyGo users with improved communication options. Respondents also indicated a preference to subscribe to a text service, an option that has to be investigated to determine is the feasibility.
Katharine added that they were very careful in how they asked the various questions and that Transportation hopes to have a new survey out in the spring semester.
Nancy Bull asked if they knew whether the 51% of vehicles the students indicated they had access to were located on campus. Katharine answered that they just indicated they had access to them.
Mike Jednak said he thought those respondents might include those living on Hunting Lodge Road.
Doug Rasicot asked if employees and students were offered this app at orientation. Katharine stated that information about the new tracking system and app would be made available during the orientation sessions.
Katharine went onto say that last week during the bad weather there was a 34% increase in ridership. Dwight said that with the 34% increase in riders we were able to work to adjust the schedule. Katharine added that all of this was a very positive step forward.
Mike Jednak added that the UPASS system has been met with great success.
Tracie Borden stated that the UPASS system was working great for Waterbury and Hartford students.
Nancy Bull asked if parents were getting information about the new bus tracking systems at orientation. Katharine said that moving forward Transportation will be reaching out to all new students and parents.
Mike Jednak congratulated Katharine, Dwight and Martha on successfully implementing the new bus tracking system and for their advanced preparation to mitigate the upcoming NWQ development parking impacts.
Alan Calandro closed the meeting at 5:00 p.m.
The next meeting will be held March 12, 2019 3:30p.m.-5:00p.m.
December 3, 2018
Transportation Advisory Board Meeting
Meeting Minutes for December 3, 2018
Facilities Operations, Conference Room B
Attendance: See Attached
Assistant Vice President, Michael Jednak called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m.
Public Comment: There was no public comment
Mike Jednak congratulated Bill Wendt on his upcoming retirement, thanked him for his support throughout the recent restructuring processes, and wished him well on his future endeavors.
Acceptance of Minutes: Mike Jednak initiated a motion to accept the November 5, 2018 meeting minutes. In response, Keith Hood reported the need for one minor change. Jeffrey Schoulson seconded the approval of the November 5th minutes pending the implemented revision requested by Mr. Hood.
New Business:
UConn’s Collaboration with CDOT/CT Transit/WRTD:
Mike Jednak summarized the University’s ongoing efforts to develop collaborative partnership opportunities with CDOT / CT Transit. The opportunities being pursued for August 2019 implementation are the transference of the University’s Stamford campus shuttle operation to CDOT/CT Transit and the outsourcing of the University’s Hunting Lodge Road service in Storrs to CDOT/Windham Region Transit District (WRTD).
Hunting Lodge Road Service – Transferance to Windham Region Transit District
In August of 2019, UConn will open a new surface lot (“Lot K”) on Discovery Drive. Lot K is being constructed to provide parking for approximately 700 vehicles displaced from other on-campus locations. More specifically, the University will be closing three large surface lots to accommodate the development of its Northwest Science Quadrant (NWQ). The relocation of parkers from the NWQ to Lot K, which is located on the campus’s periphery, will require the University to increase its on-campus service levels in order to shuttle parkers between the new lot and the university’s academic core.
UConn is therefore highly motivated to transfer the Hunting Lodge Road off-campus shuttle operations to Windham Region Transit District because that transference will allow the University’s transit bus used on that route to be reassigned to one serving Lot K and other on-campus locations.
The transference of the Hunting Lodge Road service to the WRTD appropriately aligns the off-campus service route with transit district operations while allowing the University to use its own transportation assets for on-campus purposes.
For its part, the WRTD would realize increased ridership, including a significant increase in U-Pass riders, which will better qualify that agency to receive federal funds.
Stamford Campus Shuttle Service – Transference to CDOT/CT Transit
UConn has provided weekday academic year (August-May) shuttle bus service between the Stamford Transportation Center and the Stamford campus for many years. Its long-established route is specifically designed to provide UConn affiliates with weekday transport to and from the Stamford Transportation Center.
Ridership of the UConn Stamford shuttle has steadily increased over the years, which reflects the growing number of community members reliant on making daily commuter connections at the Stamford Transportation Center. The UConn Stamford campus shuttle now provides service to approximately 400 riders per day.
UConn operates a single 35-foot transit bus on its Stamford campus route. The one-size-fits-all use of this single 35-foot low-floor transit bus can result in its occasional crush-loading during peak morning and evening commute periods. Yet that same bus can appears over-sized and underutilized during off-peak demand periods. As a result, the UConn Stamford shuttle has sometimes been reported as running “empty” through the Stamford Transportation Center or along the City’s nearby streets by concerned citizens.
Although these reports are often exaggerated, they do suggest that the operation of UConn’s Stamford shuttle can sometimes appear conspicuously inefficient or even wasteful. While UConn would like to address these perceptions, it lacks the needed resources to adjust transit vehicles used on the route throughout the day in response to demand fluctuations.
The transference of the Stamford shuttle operations from UConn to CDOT/CT Transit allows reassignment of the UConn transit bus to the new on-campus Lot K service route in Storrs, where the university’s transit bus could be better maintained.
For its part, CDOT is better positioned to provide the public transit connection between the Stamford Transportation Center and the university’s Stamford campus and appropriately accommodate its peak demand fluctuations.
Mike Jednak went on to inform the committee members that the University has been selected to receive a grant under Connecticut’s Volkswagen (VW) Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx) Mitigation Transit Program. The grant awarded was the maximum available (65% share). This project will result in the purchase of two full-electric New Flyer transit buses and their associated charging infrastructure. (Two of the University’s oldest [2005] transit buses will be rendered inoperable as specified within the terms of the award.) The purchase of these two full-electric buses will therefore not increase the overall size of the University’s transit bus fleet. The University is currently working with CDOT on plans to maintain its new full-electric buses at the currently underutilized WRTD maintenance facility. Final documentation for the VW grant spend is to be submitted by March 13, 2020, but the lead time for the buses and potential buildout of the WRTD maintenance facility are likely to push the initial service dates for the electric buses past that deadline. The University expects to purchase the electric buses using a CDOT contract once a CDOT initiated request for proposal process for fully electric bus services has been completed.
Mike reported that the benefits of the University sharing the use of the WRTD’s maintenance facility in Mansfield and collaborating with both CDOT and the WRTD for enhanced transportation services were becoming increasingly apparent.
Bill Wendt added that most Universities have state support with their transportation systems and UConn has not received that support in the past. Bill highlighted the importance of the University’s separately negotiated UPASS arrangements, which have significantly increased use of the public transit connections by both graduate and undergraduate students.
Mike and Bill both underscored the important contributions already made by Katharine Otto, the shared (UCONN/WRTD) transportation planner.
Omar Taweh expressed general agreement that increased cooperation with CDOT would be beneficial to the University while highlighting the importance of student involvement in the associated decision-making processes. Mike Jednak agreed that clear communications with all stakeholder groups should be maintained throughout the process.
Financial benefits of reorganization
Mike Jednak reported that Parking & Transportation Services (PTS) currently realizes approximately $11M/year in revenues and incurs about $10M/year in operational expenses. Mike Jednak informed the Committee members that the actual operational costs of PTS must be increased to account for the costs of properly maintaining the parking lots and garages and to improve services with new technology.
Mike informed the Committee that an additional $500K/year of maintenance costs must be added for each of the University’s three parking garages. Additionally, the PTS budget should account for the annual purchase of a new transit bus in order to properly maintain the University’s transit fleet.
The transference of the University’s current “off-campus” shuttle services to the CDOT will allow PTS to refocus its efforts and resources on the provision of on-campus services and will eliminate its need to immediately purchase two additional diesel transit buses in order to provide the new Lot K (Storrs) service in August 2019.
Mike announced that Dwight Atherton will oversee Parking & Transportation Services; Martha Funderburk has returned to her former position of Parking Manager, and Bill Wendt’s position will be eliminated.
Bill Wendt stated that the University will soon establish universal OneCard that will accommodate its potential use with CDOT transportation boarding devices.
Peter Morenus questioned where the funding was coming from for the UPASS system and that moving forward it would be a nice idea to offer the UPASS to staff as well. Mike Jednak stated that the monies from UPASS come from the transit fee.
Bill Wendt mentioned that staff at Cornell University participated in a UPASS system.
Mike Jednak added that the ultimate goal is that everyone park in the outer lots and ride buses to campus.
Jennifer Caffyn asked if the University had an interest in promoting the use of park-and-ride locations through the promotion of public transit options. Bill Wendt responded affirmatively.
Shuttle Bus Survey
Dwight Atherton and Katharine Otto informed the Committee about a currently active transportation survey designed to capture data related to proposed 2019 spring semester shuttle service changes on the Storrs campus. Katharine mentioned that most of the first 115 responses received suggested that most had accessed the survey using links published via social media.
Mary Hartford mentioned that the secondary forwarding of social media postings could skew the findings related to the importance of the social media outlets.
Omar Taweh stated that he was disappointed that they had not been previously notified regarding the survey adding that he would like a more open community. He stated that he didn’t think that the survey addressed red line, that he feels social media is a good way to send out the information and that moving forward he will be sure his constituents are made aware of the survey. Katharine Otto responded to each of Omar’s concerns.
Jennifer Caffyn expressed her concern over the fact that potential respondents might be too preoccupied with final exams to submit surveys and asked if the survey should remain active for two additional weeks to mitigate these concerns.
Katharine Otto responded that while the timing of the survey was not optimal, its result had to be tabulated quickly. Katharine explained that First Transit, the University’s shuttle provider, was contractually bound to engage in a driver’s scheduling process during the third week of December. For the survey findings to have any impact on spring service, the survey results had to be immediately evaluated. For these reasons, PTS had no ability to extend the survey period.
Mike Jednak announced that two subcommittees would be formed and that the participation volunteers not on the TAC, but recommended by Committee members, would be welcome. Those interested in subcommittee participation were directed to share their interest with Mike Jednak, Dwight Atherton or Lynn Garvais.
The first would be charged with developing draft communications related to the upcoming development of the Northwest Science Quadrant and the relocation of the 1,053 parking spaces currently provided within that development area.
The second subcommittee would focus on the potential acquisition, integration and implementation of new transportation technologies. The use of technology has the potential of vastly improving customer service, simplifying business processes, and enhancing the benefits not only of the University’s parking and transportation system but also leveraging the synergistic benefits of collaborating with external agencies and service providers. Mike shared the vision of UConn Storrs becoming a smart-campus with dynamic wayfinding features in the coming years.
Jen Caffyn asked whether there was consideration of a bike lane in the master plan, adding that although there are quite a few bike racks on campus, we need a conversation about adding more. Bill Wendt stated that the University’s bicycle plan has remained largely undeveloped. Bill went on to say that substantial completion of a Bicycle Master Plan will be required before meaningful progress to support that mode of on-campus travel will be possible. Mike Jednak added that UPDC is aware of the bike rack issues and are considering solutions.
Reka Wrynn added that maybe there is an opportunity for another survey related to on-campus bike usage. Reka mentioned that bikes are often left near the Budds Building and she would be interested in knowing how that bicycle parking location was used. Katharine Otto added that she has seen quite a few people who bring their bikes on the WRTD buses but she has yet to see a bike on a UConn bus.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:12 p.m.
November 5, 2018
Transportation Advisory Board Meeting
Meeting Minutes
Date: November 5, 2018, Time: 3:30 p.m.
UConn Facilities, Conf. Rm B
Attendance: See Attached
Meeting called to order at 3:30 p. m. by Chair, Alan Calandro
Public Comment: There was no public comment
Introductions: Alan asked that everyone present introduce themselves.
Old Business: The April 6, 2018 Minutes were accepted
New Business:
- Reorganization of Transportation & Parking Services
Mike Jednak explained that Logistics Administration reorganized in the spring and summer of 2018. The Division of Logistics Administration was organizationally realigned. Specifically, Campus Mail, Central Stores, Motor Pool, Parking Services, and Transportation Services units, became part of Facilities Operations; Document Production and Surplus units became part of University Business Services (formerly “Procurement”). Additionally, the separate units of “Parking Services” and “Transportation Services” were joined to form the singular department of Parking & Transportation Services.
Mike informed the Committee that Parking & Transportation requires more efficient systems and newer technology in order to improve the quality of its services and to enhance operational efficiencies. Mike stated that corrective and preventative maintenance to the University’s parking garages and surface lots were immediately required. Mike then spoke about several of the ways the finances of Parking & Transportation services had grown increasingly complex over the years, which are now in need of reassessment and simplification.
New bus routes, which were implemented at the start of the 2018 fall semester, were not well received by some students. As a result, Mike and others held a series of meeting with students in order to learn their concerns and gather their input. The shuttle services were subsequently changed on October 8th in ways that addressed the most immediate student concerns. Mike stated that Parking & Transportation Services will be much more proactive and transparent in the communications and planning going forward. He then reiterated the need for Parking & Transportation Services to implement new systems and technologies in order to gather the data needed to make objective decisions and to clearly speak with stakeholders about them.
- a) New communications spokesperson
Mike Jednak announced that Tysen Kendig of University Communications assigned Mike Enright to Facilities Operations. Mike will handle all publicity and communications for the Division. Mike Jednak is committed to providing information to the University Community in advance of changes made in Parking & Transportation that will have a significant impact on any of its services.
Mike Jednak introduced Martha Funderburk as the new Parking Manager and indicated there is a vacancy for a new Transportation Manager. He also introduced Katharine Otto, Transportation Planner, who works half time for UConn and half time for WRTD. Going forward Dwight will become the new Director of Parking & Transportation Services.
2) Studies of Parking Structures
- a) Garage Maintenance Study
Dwight explained that we have three garages (not including UCH), two in Storrs and one in Waterbury. Walker Parking, one of the University’s on-call parking and transportation consultants, was tasked with the: thorough evaluation of the condition of those facilities; identification of immediate and near-term repairs; and the provision of plans for their regular, immediate, and long-term maintenance. The study was completed during the 2018 fall semester. Its recommendations will be used to schedule and complete the work needed to prolong the life of these structures.
3) Modernization of Parking & Transportation
Mike Jednak and Dwight Atherton have been reviewing various “smart” parking and transportation technologies that would likely improve both the driver’s experience and on-campus traffic circulation. Dwight stated that a new parking management software system is being purchased with expectation of using that new system at the start of the 2020 fiscal year (July 1, 2019).
Omar Taweh asked about non-technology updates for Parking and Transportation.
Mike reiterated a focus on communication and technology. He also stated that the University has partnered with a civil engineering firm to review logistics for event parking.
4) TAC Committee discussion regarding subcommittees & discussion
Mike Jednak would like TAC to be an interactive group made up of subcommittees that truly advise the committee, strategize on issues and plan for the future.
5) Northwest Quad Buildings and impacts to Parking & Transportation
Mike Jednak talked about the elimination of parking on surface lots “L”, “N”, and “X” due to the construction of a supplemental utility plant and the Science 1 building within the Northwest Quadrant (NWQ). While the construction schedule of these two buildings remain in development, it is possible that parking on all three of the NWQ lots (~1,000 parking spaces) will be eliminated in August of 2019.
A new ~700 space parking lot (Lot K) is currently under construction on Discovery Drive and across from the Innovation Partnership Building and is expected open for use in June 2018. Lot K is currently expected to accommodate student commuter parking.
The impacts of the NWQ construction projects on Storrs campus parking and transportation will be highly significant. TAC members will have the opportunity to actively participate in the planning and communication efforts surrounding these important changes.
Omar Taweh asked if students will have a voice or if the subcommittees are made up of faculty and staff. Mike wants everyone involved, working proactively together.
Mike Enright emphasized how important it is to have trust between the committee members. If any member does not like what they are hearing, he or she should bring it to the committee for discussion rather than bringing it to the media.
Bill Wendt added that Parking Services wants to work with all the constituents on the committee and it is not students against faculty/staff.
Mike Jednak stated that all the constituent groups are represented in TAC. He wants the meetings to be interactive, not just a place where Mike, Alan or Dwight make presentations to the group. Everyone needs to have input to make it an effective group. Dwight added that everyone will be impacted by the changes so we have an opportunity to make a smooth transition.
Jenn Caffyn asked about an online forum for people to ask questions and share information. Mike thought that was something that could be done. Parking Services does currently answer all emails and many people already ask questions via email.
There was discussion regarding getting information out to people. Omar Taweh stated that students do not read the daily digest. He suggested that Facebook/UConn Buy or Sell might be a better way to reach students. Mike Enright disagreed.
Peter Morenus stated that he has taken the bus and would embrace more people using the shuttle system.
Mike Jednak stated that UMASS currently has 50 bus routes. Some of the routes go out into the community and bring people onto campus.
Donna Korbel added that parking enforcement at UMASS also tows cars and she feels that definitely makes people more compliant with the rules and regulations
Samuel Ulesson stated that when he rides the UConn shuttle (Storrs) he finds it difficult to transfer to different buses with only a 5-10 minute transfer time.
Mike added that Orange line, in the center of campus, is very popular. Additional data will help refine the routes to meet people’s needs.
Jen Caffyn expressed concerns regarding the small number of handicap spaces in the center of campus.
Mike Jednak highlighted the accessible van service on campus, which is being reviewed, and a possible handicap lot in the center of campus, an idea currently under discussion.
6) GA/TA UAW agreement updates
Dwight Atherton reviewed the union agreement that allowed GA/TA’s the opportunity to park in area 2 lots. While this initially caused some problems, people have adjusted their habits. Mike Jednak stated that the initial plan was for 1200 permits to be sold but the actual demand was much lower. Mike added that C lot is almost completely empty this year.
Dwight Atherton stated that restricting overnight parking in commuter lots has relieved some of the parking lots within the southeast Storrs campus area.
Jenn Caffyn stated that only about ¾ of GA’s would be eligible to park because of the contract but that people were excited about the opportunity. Many purchased the garage instead for convenience.
Mary Hartford added that many 1st year GA’s didn’t receive notice before they arrived to campus in August to begin the 2018/19 academic year.
Dwight Atherton added that the current online parking permit process presents student applicants with only the permit options for which they are qualified. As a result, the GA/TAs permit applicants were presented with the opportunity to purchase Area 2 (employee) parking permits since the 2018/19 sales period opened (July 2018).
7) Special event logistics plan
Pursuant to the completion of an extensive study by a transportation consultant, a new special event logistics plan for the Storrs campus was developed and will be fully implemented before the start of the University’s home-game basketball schedule.
Vehicle access was restricted and redirected to keep vehicles away from the pedestrians walking on Hillside Road. Dwight stated that it worked well during the exhibition game.
Omar Taweh stated that he was out that night and more safety measures may be needed. He was running on Alumni Drive.
Mike Jednak said that speed bumps are being considered. Potholes and surface lots are being repaired. W lot is going to be scheduled to be repaved.
8) Future Parking Fee Structure
Mike Jednak stated that to adequately maintain the lots, garages and bus system, the fees will need to be reviewed. Mike said more information will be available at the December meeting.
Mike added that he would like to have a more in-depth discussion about sub-committee opportunities during the next TAC meeting scheduled to occur in December.
April 3, 2018
Transportation Advisory Board Meeting
Meeting Minutes
Date: April 3, 2018, Time: 4:00 p.m.
School of Business, Rm 302
Attendance: See Attached
Meeting called to order at 4:00 p. m. by Chair, Alan Calandro
Previous meeting notes were approved
Public Comment: There was no public comment
Sean Vasington began the meeting outlining summer construction happening after Commencement May 8, 2018. He outlined that that traffic and pedestrian wayfinding is being planned to enable people to have easy accessibility around campus. Further updates can be found at uconn.edu/construction
Included is the slides of the PDF that was shown
Hillside Road will be partially closed between Glenbrook Road and Gilbert Road; a review of the summer construction project having transportation impacts was then provided.
Sean explained that the most significant of the summer transportation effects would be the closure of Hillside Road (between Gilbert and Glenbrook) and Jim Calhoun Way (between Hillside Drive and the Gampel Service Drive), which will prevent on-campus vehicle travel between north and south campus.
Sean stated that the preferred route to campus was via Route 195 from points south was and via Discovery Drive from points north.
North Eagleville Road between Discover Drive and Glenbrook Road will be one-way eastbound again this summer; it will be two-way between Route 195 and Glenbrook Road; traffic from onto North Eagleville from Route 195 will be detoured onto Glenbrook Road.
Sean told the Committee members that monthly construction maps will be published on the UPDC website; simple “how to get to campus” directions will be available on the Admissions website -- all University event planners will reference the Admission website information when communicating with their invited guests.
Large truck deliveries will be directed to the Central Warehouse this summer; last-mile deliveries will be made using smaller UConn trucks.
All pedestrian will remain open this summer but occasional redirections might be required; large University event planners have been involved in the summer planning processes.
Sean explained that there is a resource group worked together to develop the summer logistics plan and its team member will be available to address any concerns identified.
Dwight was introduced; he thanked Sean for the comprehensive outline and went onto say that there would be no significant parking impacts this summer. He added that after commencement student permits would be valid for parking in any student lot.
Charlie Grab was introduced; he stated that there would be no fixed-route shuttle service this summer because traffic circulation effects of the construction, but the needs of specific departments, events, and programs would be individually met.
There is an announcement planned to go out this week to the departments outlining the summer Transportation services available.
Bill Wendt added that this year Transportation has been experimenting with an on-demand service and complimented Transportation on the good progress that had already been accomplished in this area.
Jennifer Caffyn asked if the purple line was still going to be going to depot campus in the summer, Charlie stated yes during the workweek
Bill Wendt added that WRTD on Route 195 would continue to run as it always has so there would be no impacts there
Irma Valvarde asked if X lot will stay open, Dwight said yes, there is currently no plan to close it.
Nancy Bull asked about signage along Route 195. Dwight and Mike both stated that the construction-related wayfinding signage would be on campus; DOT permits required the off-campus signage used last summer.
Sean stated that they are talking about the possibility of using message boards but explained that Route 195 is a state road so we do have some limitations.
Sean provided Admissions with the website content needed to inform visitors of the best ways to get to campus; that information will be posted to the Admissions website before the end of the spring semester.
Sean outlined that over time it is expected that approximately 900 parking spaces will be impacted by the development of the Northwest Quad when the planned construction of the Science 1 building and Supplemental Utility Plant begins in 2019.
This summer a 100-space lot behind Gampel will be constructed and is expected to be in use by the start of the 2018 fall semester.
Doug Racicot asked if there was a snow plan in place, Sean answered yes that the plan is to do it so that there are no long runs with snow.
Jennifer Caffyn asked if it was going to be for graduate assistant parking, Bill said no that this would replace area 1 parking that we have lost over the years.
Sean stated that more than 2,000 people that walk past the Sherman Field area daily. He explained that it was where the football stadium once was and that it will make a nice parking area.
Sean stated that there is also a 700-space lot planned for Parcel D located on Discovery Drive across from Innovation Partnership Building, the plans are still in design.
Sean said that the plan was to replace parking lost to construction projects rather than to add to the number of parking spaces available on campus.
Sean went onto say that; there is also a plan to try to implement more spaces but the South Campus Commons, to the south of Gilbert Road where one of the old faculty row houses was recently removed.
Doug Racicot asked if they would consider a space for one of their man lifts, Dwight stated he would need more information.
Sean also outlined that the old 900-space parking garage on the Stamford campus is currently being demolished and that a 300-space surface lot will be built in its place.
Bill explained that we are currently leasing garages in Stamford and Hartford so it is becoming very expensive for the University, as we have to supplement the parking expenses. Bill stated that the new campus parking situations are causing a serious financial drain on the University.
Martha Funderburk was introduced outlined that parking revenue was not sufficient to cover the cost of maintaining and operating the University’s parking system and the costs of the lease on the Hartford and Stamford campus are extraordinarily high—details were provided within a PowerPoint slide presentation.
Bill said that about 25% of Parking Services annual revenue (approximately $3.2 million) was used to pay for the leased parking on Hartford and Stamford campuses last year.
Martha stated it is necessary to find ways to increase revenue but that increase must come primarily from student fees because employee permit fees are specified by Bargaining Unit agreements.
Martha stated that one option being considered all commuter student the same rate; a schedule that suggested how that goal could be achieved in three years was shared.
Martha used data to show the event with the suggested permit price increases the fees would remain well below the market rates.
Martha said parking revenue could also be increased by raising the day parking rates in the North and South garage in Storrs; it was suggested that the rate schedule could be change and the maximum day rate raised from $12 to $15/day.
Bill stated that he wanted to outline the disparity we are facing moving forward so that the Committee would be aware.
Bill outlined that the UPASS / Transportation fee is currently $80.00 per student and that it is a good option for students if they did not want to drive to campus. The Department of Transportation is currently doing a study on ridership, Bill has not received the results yet but they plan to expand with more buses and trains and the WRTD is working out well with their extended night service.
Bill stated that we need to expand our student revenues and he is meeting with the administration to outline the expenses and budgets.
Irma Valvarde asked how many garage spaces are allocated for students, Bill outlined that parking currently sells 19% to students.
Dwight mentioned that labor negotiations with GEU-UAW members were ongoing and could impact the way both lots and permits were used during the 2018/19 permit year, but also stated that no specific information was currently available.
Jennifer Caffyn asked if there is a plan to make F, lot resident parking only, Dwight stated that that is the current plan.
The meeting was ended at 5:00pm
Alan reminded everyone that more meetings would be planned for next semester
New Business:
The meeting closed at 5:00pm
March 6, 2018
Transportation Advisory Board Meeting
Meeting Minutes
Date: March 6, 2018, Time: 4:00 p.m.
School of Business, Rm 302
Attendance: See Attached
Meeting called to order at 4:00 p. m. by Chair, Alan Calandro
Public Comment: There was no public comment
Introductions: As this was the first meeting of the newly established TAC, Alan asked that everyone present introduce themselves.
- Bill Wendt (Director Logistics Administration) outlined the history of the previous parking committee explaining the establishment of the new Transportation Advisory committee.
- Bill noted the Transportation and Guiding Principles handout that was offered to the members and suggested that everyone review it for a better understanding of the Parking & Transportation program and the committee efforts.
- Bill outlined that the expectation of the committee was to help the department establish programs that best meet UConn community members’ needs and are appropriate to the campus environment.
- Bill outlined the parking permit issue dates for employees being June of 2018, and students would be able to register in the Summer, receiving their permits before school started in late August.
- Bill offered an invitation to all members that if they had any concerns or ideas surrounding the committee that they to reach out to himself, Alan Calandro or Dwight Atherton
The meeting was turned over to Dwight Atherton
- Dwight Atherton (Associate Director of commuter & Parking Services) gave an overview of the history of Parking Services since his arrival in July 2013. He explained that the Storrs and regional campus parking services were separately administered when he began working for the University. The separate administration of Regional and Storrs campus parking programs continued until 2016, when efforts first began to centralization them. The benefits of centralization included increased efficiency, service standardization, and the reduction of administrative burdens on the Regional campuses. Parking Services in Storrs now centrally administers both the commuter programs and parking operations to meet the unique needs of each Regional campus. The potential benefits of extending the administrative centralization to the UConn Health campus are now being evaluated.
- Dwight shared information about the recent introduction of mobile parking options across the University (PayByPhone). He shared a few of the ways that the introduction of mobile parking made it easier for both visitors and event attendees. Mobile parking allows people to park their vehicles on campus with proper authorization (made either in advance or upon arrival) without the need to display a physical permit or pass. Efforts are underway to provide additional mobile parking options to those on the Stamford campus (ParkMobile).
- Dwight shared an overview of the new parking management software system that is scheduled to be implemented in the coming months.
- Alan Calandro asked what Dwight thought the timeline of the new System was.
- Dwight stated that he hopes the permit sales and citation functions should be within 6 months then working toward total integration with other University systems after that.
- Dwight stated that all the parking access and revenue control equipment in the North and the South garages (Storrs), including barrier gates and entry/exit devises, will be replaced this summer; the current equipment is failing after 15 years of service.
- Dwight stated that a new parking area (100 spaces) will be constructed behind Gampel Pavilion this summer; that location will provide Area 1, Service, and handicap parking.
- Dwight spoke about the leasing of spaces for the Hartford and Stamford campus. The Stamford campus did have its own 930-spae parking garage until last year, when it came to the end of its serviceable life; it is now being demolished and a new surface parking lot with a capacity of about 300 spaces will be constructed in its place. The new lot is currently expected to open in January 2019.
- Mike Jednak (Associate Vice President Fac. operations) added that the garages on all the campuses, Storrs and Waterbury will be inspected for structural safety. Preventative maintenance will be done so that our garages stay structurally sound.
- Mike included that moving forward his plan is to implement a paving schedule to work on getting all the lots repaved in the coming years.
- Dwight explained that the department is working to either develop or introduce additional alternate transportation and commuter options to reduce on-campus traffic congestion, single-occupancy vehicle use, and greenhouse gas emissions.
- Jim Wohl asked how many spaces were available on the Storrs campus for parking, Dwight explained that there were 12000 spaces and that in the past couple years that inventory has been reduced by construction by about 500 spaces
- Alan Calandro asked if moving forward Dwight had a projection of the size of the parking inventory on the Storrs campus, Dwight stated he expects the current size of the inventory to be maintained but also expects that capacity to be relocated to different areas of the campus.
The meeting was turned over to Charles Grab
- Charles Grab (Manager, Transportation & fleet Services) (Buses and Accessible Vans); outlined the services that are provided by transportation, he outlined that annually there are 1.3 million passengers using that University transportation system which equates to approximately 10,000 passengers per day, at full service which runs for 8 months per year, falling some during break periods. Charles also outlined that the University offers an Accessible Van Service that accommodates 400 passengers weekly.
- Charles outlined that last year Transportation entered an RFP with First Transit, to take over the driving of the University buses. The contract needed to be established because the State of Connecticut requirement on CDL licensing laws changed the age restrictions from 18 to 21years old which excluded the typical student staffing that was used in the past. The contract was only written for transit staffing all, of UConn buses and vans are currently owned and maintained by the University.
- In the transition the buses were updated to be fully ADA accessible transit buses.
- Charles Added that regional campus routes were also implemented during this transition in Hartford and Stamford. The Hartford garage shuttle bus is currently being reviewed. We are hopeful the Downtown Area Shuttle DASH program which currently operates in Downtown Hartford and may be able to include a campus stop so that the University would see a cost savings upon implementation.
- Charles outlined that the University worked with the Connecticut DOT to implement the UPASS system and the CT Transit 913 express bus, which now services a route from Storrs to Hartford hourly, 7 days per week.
- Bill Wendt commented that next spring there will be additional trains in Hartford that will offer additional convenience to the students going to various areas of the state with greater ease. Bill stated what a great program this has been for the UConn students and that is now available on all the campuses, and that UConn is the only University offering this program to Graduate Students.
- Charles outlined that 10,000 UPASS permits were issued this spring.
- Charles added that CT Dot and UConn are working together more closely so that the buses better meet our needs as the flagship university of the State of Connecticut. Bill added that most states typically work with their flagship university and this is not how Connecticut has been working in the past.
- Bill added that the department is also looking into ways to get more state and federal funds to maintain the department, rather than be only self-funded by the student mandatory transit fee, which would save students money in fees in the future.
- Charles added that Gameday shuttles were added this year to accommodate fans coming to the UConn basketball games and currently there is approximately 150 shuttle passengers per game.
- Charles explained the current contracts Transportation has with outside vendors which include ZipCar, Zimridde, & Enterprise. They are looking to expand to include Lyft and possibly bike sharing.
- Mike Jednak added that there are currently 600 university-owned vehicles on campus. Moving forward Mikes hope is to work with the various departments needing these vehicles for transportation and motor pool to offer more car sharing options to eliminate some of these vehicles. This ultimately would cut down on the number of vehicles maintained and fuel costs for the University as a whole.
- Mark Hamilton asked what the University thought of possibly implementing Autonomous buses, Charles stated that everything was a possibility.
New Business:
Summer Construction, Sean Vasington will discuss summer construction
Student parking fees
Lease parking Stamford and Hartford
The meeting closed at 5:00pm
Meeting Attendees: Alan Calandro
William Wendt
Mike Jednak
Dwight Atherton
Charles Grab
Alexander Karr
Tracie Borden
Jennifer Caffyn
Chris Casa
Cathi Dunnack
Evan Feinglass
Mark Hamilton
Keith Hood
Mary Hartford
Peter Morenus
Doug Racicot
David Richards
Alan Ridnour
Irma Valvarde
Sean Vasington
Jim Wohl
Reka Wrynn
Sean Ooi
Brendan Carroll
Lynn Garvais